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CIV 3 Storywriter's Union

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  • #61
    Massilia well be the arbiter nation, unless someone really wanted to be them.

    To fit them to that role, this city state is considered the world's spiritual compass and is universally respected, not unlike Vatican City. Even barbarians will not attack them, out of respect for their spiritual authority (Pope Leo/Attila the Hun). I don't want to step on anyone's toes or offend anyone, so we'll describe their faith as being the worship of the cosmic principle of "good" and each individual can decide what that entails exactly.

    Massilia is ruled by a council of 12 High Priests. Senior Priests occassionally act as temporary advisors to other nations. This is considered an honor. Massillia never aligns itself with other nations, however. Their kingdom is "not of this world." Crimes against the priests of Massilia are considered unforgivable sins, and we live in an age where that sort of thing still controls even the most ruthless people.

    Game stats

    No Army or Navy, nor is there any need for one.

    Right of Passage agreements with all nations. Sanctuary is occasionally granted to people fleeing punishment, assuming the punishment is viewed as unjust.

    Middle Ancient. Does not research, although the priests are well educated. Techs are given out of respect for the priests from other nations.

    Government: Theocratic Oligarchy. Zero corruption, no science, limited trade.

    Neutral in all dealings, occasionally gives advice or censure.


    • #62
      On the moderator role (I'm taking suggestions, these are rough thoughts). Battles will be determined by random number draw. Size of army and "modernness" makes a huge difference. Defensive advantage makes a moderate difference. Tactics make a small difference, as opinion could play too large a role in this. The way I see it, nothing "crazy" should happen too often (small/backward army loses to large modern army near to 100%). On the other hand, it is Civ 3, so I suppose wild results aren't contrary to that spirit. Xerxes vs. Greeks, right? Let me know when you're attacking, with what and who, I'll tell you the results, you embelish them in your write-ups.

      Building up/modernizing an army takes a significant chunk of time (no modern draft in ancient Rome/Gaul/Greece!). A week to go up one size gradation seems about right, and only if you're at peace throughout. Building an army weakens one's economy and may lead to issue like famine, etc. It's assumed the current army sizes are near the limit of what you can support with your current national size/infrastructure.

      Reality police are on the beat, as always. Everyone can help with that.

      Thoughts on this are encouraged, I want this to be agreeable to everyone. Main rule: having fun!
      Last edited by Rotten999; May 16, 2002, 23:42.


      • #63
        Ooooo... Can I be Rome


        • #64
          BTW, Gauls are NOT the Persians on the map.

          The Gauls are located in Northern France.

          Don't quote me on that though. Because I got my info from that Asterisk Comic book I think


          • #65
            Wait, cancel my last remark.


            • #66
              Here is a quick map I editted for you guys.

              I changed some colours around, and colour coded everything. Hopefully, the map is correct enough to use.
              Attached Files


              • #67
                I'll post the new combat system I'm going to be using for the UKNES since people cried about the losses, to help give you ideas about how to go about combat, Rotten.

                Basically, use Civ3 attacking and defending attributes, edited as you see fit(mine will be very edited, to make the game more balanced), and take the defending number away from the attacking one. The number left is the modifier to the dice roll, be it positive or negative.

                Then, use two dice for the attacker and two for the defender, and roll them both. Add the modifier to the attacker's score, or take it away if it is negative. The highest number wins. This is per division, so if the attacker dies, and there are more attackers left, then a new division takes the place of the fallen one and combat begins again until one side has no divisions left, or a stalemate has ensued due to heavy losses on both sides.

                Most bonuses should be covered by this, as in my game the biggest bonus is a modern armour v an archer, which is a +7 modifier if I remember correctly.

                See what you think of the idea, it's just a suggestion to help you think of a system.

                Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                • #68
                  Don't you guys think you should start another thread for this game ?


                  • #69
                    um, Sovy, I think I'll stick with mine, sorry. More details will come this afternoon. Combat should be based on quality of units mostly: early ancient has only archers, spearmen, warrirors, and chariots. Middle has all except catapults. Late has catapults "mixed in" with all troops so all are a little bit stronger. Rome has legions, macedon hoplites, and I'm planning including an elephant unit. As I said, full game will be set up this afternoon. Sovy yes you can be ROme. Rotten, massilia historically (i think) was attacked by gauls so you should have at least a small defensive army. Science rate is based on size, govt, and in cases like for example syracuse, historical stuff (they have archimedes!). German Confeds and most citystates have slow research, major monarchies are medium, and rome is fast because it's a republic. however, in exchange, I want the reality police to make sure that it's harrder for them to wage war (eventually they might be forced to go monarchy).


                    • #70
                      oh yes, and resources. No resources other than elephants will be important. Elephants will be untradable and there will be sources in east Seleucia, south egypt, and right near carthage. The elephant unit wll be 2/2/2 but with the diadvantage that each unit has a 40% cahnce of dying for every turn spent in mountains. If they had to be a civ3 unit, they would probably be countee as "wheeled", but for the NES we can be more specific


                      • #71
                        Once again.

                        This is the thread for the Storywriter's union. You should create another thread for your game.


                        • #72
                          i will i will when i actually start it


                          • #73
                            I'm fairly new to writing things that other people would actually read, but I'd certainly like in on your union
                            I shall miss the days on this wonderful world, but the nights, the nights can go straight to hell.


                            • #74
                              sorry, wrong button
                              I shall miss the days on this wonderful world, but the nights, the nights can go straight to hell.


                              • #75
                                Ok, I'm adding you to the member roll
                                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

