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Babylonian Sucession Game - Join & Play or Just Read

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  • Well, it was rather eventful.

    Two turns into my turn Germany and the Iroquis announced an alliance against us, and declared war offstage! Fortunately, Persia was also drawn in on our side. We didn't lose any territory, and held our own rather well. The Iroquis has a few remnants on our territiory, but I'm not worried. Our tank army is now built up.

    We still haven't lost!

    We lost our oil supply (exhausted!). I think the game hates us.
    At least I was able to trade for some with Persia.

    Our territory is much better developed.

    Discovered Radio and Rocketry as an era bonus. We are now "modern," like everyone else.

    Our army is built up, perhaps we can make a last gasp. A tank offensive with artillery support might have a chance.


    • Here's the save.
      Attached Files


      • all we need is to save every turn before attampting to put a spy in persia before checking to see how close they are to spaceship victory


        • Sorry I couldn't play my turn guys, I've had lots of studying to do recently, I've had several tests to finish covering what we've been studying before finals (which are next week.)


          • oh yeah it's my turn now...i'll get it done but give me time i'm tied up in both school (yes they tie me up ) and the NES, as well as the new upcoming NES


            • I onl played 10 turns, sorry.

              Science: bought computers

              Foreign: Pulled germany, persia into war. Made RoP with Persia

              Trade: Bought a supply of Aluminum Renewed oil trade

              Domestic: Many anti-war riots

              Military: In the process of building mech inf for every city. We ALMOST conquered zimbabwe, 2 defenders were left but the persians came in next turn with a huge army. We are currently putting all new tanks in a big stack near one iroq city, continue building till we have 10 or so.
              Attached Files


              • I just got one question, is this game still on?
                the number one of the number 2's.
                creator of the romans succession game!!


                • what dp you mean? The game is still alive...


                  • Jongon and trickey

                    I'll give you one more day and then I will take my turn if there is no response.


                    • i don't think that he's here, just have you turn, this is interesting......
                      the number one of the number 2's.
                      creator of the romans succession game!!


                      • its not my turn!


                        • I'm taking it then. I'll have it up by tomorrow.


                          • quickly this is the best succession game EVER. its offical. period. and another one.
                            the number one of the number 2's.
                            creator of the romans succession game!!


                            • and another one for good luck ............heaps of then.
                              the number one of the number 2's.
                              creator of the romans succession game!!


                              • Waiting....
                                the number one of the number 2's.
                                creator of the romans succession game!!

