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SUccession Game

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  • All: Monkey Toosh. If we go on the offensive and take a few cities, the Germans will have their Northern Guard over their cities UNDERDEFENDED!

    We then have forces take the northern cities. The railroads would be of little help.

    Remember how the AI usually stocks up about 50 defensive units on the border thats being taken? Well, we are taking advantage of that now

    And whats wrong with Cavalry? Toosh pah, we have almost 50 cavalry units, and alot of Infantry. We'll beat Germany by numbers if we have to.


    • considering ive seen infantry take on cavalry and going elite right before dying... and if u dont take out the last guy he will be healed the next turn and ull lose another 3 units grrrr

      i usually (in my own games) do 1 small war with the AI to get rid of my out of date military... usually 5 turns after i have tanks ill do a quick war with my cavalry. send them all in to either get slaughtered or take 1 city then play defense for 5 turns and sue for peace.

      Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


      • yeah, cavalry are going to be a disaster. DO we have an intelligence agency. WE should get one and try to plant a spy. WE should make sure we're ready for war, but if we succeed, we can see the numbers of their military, if not the locations...

        PS: cavalry do NOT upgrade to tanks, so we'd have to buil em from scratch!


        • Originally posted by Journier
          considering ive seen infantry take on cavalry and going elite right before dying... and if u dont take out the last guy he will be healed the next turn and ull lose another 3 units grrrr
          THat's what's happening in my game i based the story I wrote on right now. The jap infantry are deadly, although they have very few of them! What's worse is that someone i've always been friendly with on my own continent is trading them the rubber!!! (i don't know who but the only people not at war with them are on my own continent and i'm friendly with them.)

          PS: I got into that war because of a big network of MPPs. Now, whenever someone makes peace with japan, they're pulled back in a few turns later! No peace until Jpan is dead or I cancel the MPPs. But the MPP with the romans i will never cancel, i need an ally for my planned invasion of england which will turn into a two-front war because they have an MPP with China. I feel a world war coming...


          • Originally posted by civman2000
            What an observer might think:
            civman2000--the pacifist overzealous scientist
            Sovy Kurosei--the over-aggressive ultra-warmonger
            godinex--the ultra-religious pacifist prophet

            ElDIablo, the answer to your question


            • Originally posted by Sovy Kurosei
              All: Monkey Toosh.


              • I will be unable to play until Tuesday. If my turn comes up before then, you may skip me.


                • One strategy I saw @ CivFanatics once is get some explorers...and use 'em @ forward guides to PILLAGE all of the strategic resources...
                  Then use 'em to draw the computer AI away from your main attack force (I love how the AI can't handle multi-front wars!
                  "Listen lad. I built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. All the kings said I was daft to build a castle in the swamp, buit I built it all the same just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That burnt down, fell over and then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're gonna get, lad, the strongest castle in these isles."
                  - Swamp King (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)


                  • pretty funny.


                    what i usually do with my cav's is i disband them into tank building cities or just send like 20 towards each city i want to take

                    cuz we all know even mech infantry die to knights if u send enough of them at them. :/
                    how do i know this? from experience :/ a very very sad experience
                    Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


                    • When is it gonna be my shot at the game? Someone let me know, as I am too lazy to try to figure it out.

                      If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                      • it's sovy's turn, but godinerx forgot to post the game and disappeared...i'll pm him about it...


                        • errrm...


                          the mod im playing rox... low corruption cant be beat...

                          if this game had selections before u made a game for amount of corruption like.. :

                          Very low----Low----Medium----- Heavy---- very heavy

                          something like that.. this game would be much more enjoyable...
                          I myself cant stand the corruption in a game where i have a huge empire...

                          right now i have like 90 cities and control a whole continent.
                          and every buildings i have = less corruption cuz of the mod... OMG IT ROX.

                          lets me explore things i havent had the chance to try before ]
                          especially the ability to build units out of ALL ur cities... it helps

                          Last war... well im really still fighting it it involves a AI with larger empire then me.. (barely)
                          and 2 other largish empire's.

                          they landed me like 5 times but having rail road = ownage of there army everytime
                          Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


                          • Godinex posted his game up, but I am sorta busy, so I'll pass my turn right now.

                            Good luck guys


                            • <---looks around whos up next?
                              Death will come one way or other, its only a matter of when i choose it.


                              • Is it me? If so, I'll have my turns up by tomorrow afternoon. I have way too much to do today.

                                If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....

