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Succession Game starting on 11/29/2001, Join the game/follow the saga in this thread

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  • Notes

    First off, I had to cut my reply into two seems I went on longer than I should have and the forums said my post was two long.

    Second, I realize that the pics aren't working. I just remembered that Hypermart doesn't allow you to display pics elsewhere. I'm trying to get to my ISP provided space, but it's acting up right now.

    Now, some notes for my successor.

    The war against Egypt can be interpretted several different ways. On one hand, our forces can hold out for a while. On the other hand, they're spread too thin to take another city. I was wanting to put some riflemen in there, but with the anarchy I couldn't produce anything, and the cities are too small to rush produce them, so my hands were tied...

    You'll have 6 refreshed cossacks at Alexandria, which is pretty good. There are others spread through those cities.

    Peace with Egypt would be rather profitable. I went to the negotiations table and found that we can get up to 40 gold per turn. Right now, we're still losing gold (about 66 per turn) and we have seven turns to electricity. I'm not sure, but this communism might be useless if we end the war rather soon.

    So, here's goodluck to my successor!

    P.S. Oh yeah, you'll find that Egyptian cavalry frequently attack the cities we took. Luckily, it's slowed down to one every two or so turns, and it's easy to clean up any that do manage to win. Just keep the cannons where they are for now and you won't have to worry too much.
    Last edited by Jumping Choya; December 24, 2001, 01:47.
    The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.


    • Hello to all...

      1ºst I wanted to know... im in this or not? bc if im in, im next on the "ruling game". plz answer fast


      Other thing... to whom i send my pics.

      (sorry for bad english, im chilean)


      • re: Ralph Jones

        Hey Ralph Jones,
        I'm going next, should finish in the next day or two. I don't think we need you right now, because our other two rulers may return soon. Excelsior, e-mail me if you have anything to say about Ralph Jones. Ok, on with my turn!
        "Dog of a Saxon! Take thy lance, and prepare for the death thou hast drawn upon thee!" -Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert in novel 'Ivanhoe'


        • Lurking VIII's reign over Russia

          The communist government of Russia was in upheaval. Lurking VIII subdued his countrymen under the iron fist of the new government. "We must use our time wisely Russians. The Egyptian threat still looms and our war against Egypt is doing well, but is not over!" said Lurking when addressing the peasants.

          1874 - Lurking cuts science funding by 20%, the budget is now almost balanced at a loss of only 7 gold/turn. The town of Kappa has overthown the English oppressors and pledged allegience to our Empire!

          1878 - Byblos was recaptured by the Egyptians. We discovered a new source of coal near Beta.

          1888 - Russian city of Novgorod captured by the filty Egyptians. Once again Lurking doesn't seem to have complete control over the Russian army. "I wish my predecessors didn't always overextend us!" laments Lurking VIII.

          1902 - The great city of New Lurkburg completes the wonder of Universal Sufferage, however this seems silly under a communist governments.

          1904 - The war with Egypt rages on, Egyptian cavalry swarm from out of the hearland of Egypt. Russia is dominating the sea, but our land army needs building. Lurking VIII passes into oblivion, leaving the empire in chaos again. His last words were, "Only two turns left until Replaceable Parts!" The loyalists think Lurking went crazy, like almost all of his great ancestors...
          Attached Files
          "Dog of a Saxon! Take thy lance, and prepare for the death thou hast drawn upon thee!" -Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert in novel 'Ivanhoe'


          • Aw, phooey. I could've sworn we would be able to hold the cities longer than that. Sorry 'bout that.
            The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.


            • Sick

              Lurking, I'm not feeling so great. I've got sinusitis, and I don't really feel up to playing my turn at the moment. I'm now on antibiotics and something that's supposed to clear out my head, so I'll probably be feeling better before my 72 hours are up. However, if Vovansim returns and can play before then, by all means he should go ahead.


              • There is one thing left... i need confirmation if i can enter this sucesion game. i kinda liked it bc is cool stories and the way you play. it amazed me. so just answer if ya want me in plz ok?

                ANSWER FAST



                • Lurking,
                  I'm feeling significantly better today. I'm going to go ahead and play my turn now. By the way, do finish up your turn summary when you have a chance; I wanted to know what happened during those turns!

                  Ralph Jones,
                  Sorry, but I don't think we need any more players at the moment. Besides, even if you joined, we're so close to the end of the game, that I think it is unlikely that you'd get more than a single turn. However, entrance into the game is ultimately up to Lurking, so whatever he decides is fine with me.


                  • Well i understand.... ill wait for the next or a new one

                    you know of any new one?

                    PLZ REPLY



                    • I don't know of any open games at the moment, but new ones start all the time, so watch the stories section of this board. You could even start a new one yourself if you want to.

                      By the way, everyone, I'm now on turn six of my turn. The Russian Army is once again preparing to march on Byblos.


                      • Comrade Excelsior VIII leads the Russian people!

                        It was in 1904, shortly after insanity gripped Lurking VIII, that Excelsior VIII became the leader of the Russian Empire. It was through familial connections dating back to the dawn of the Russian Empire that Excelsior VIII came to power. His most ancient ancestor, Excelsior I, originally led the Russian people out of the dark nights of prehistory to the sunrise of early civilization. Now, the Russian people were locked in deadly conflict with the Egyptians and only through his leadership could the Russian people survive.

                        Turn #0>1904AD
                        "My people! Though we are a proud people, though we are a strong people, though we are the most glorious civilization to ever exist upon this earth, we cannot continue to fight alone. We cannot defeat the Egyptians ourselves, but with the help of our allies, we can! With the help of the English, the Russian people we again be triumphant! For as of this day, the English are at war with Egypt!"
                        ---Excelsior VIII, July 4, 1904

                        In the solitude of his chambers, Excelsior remarked, "And it only cost us 400 gold."
                        Turn #1>1906AD
                        Yakutsk completes a barracks and begins work on city walls. Tblisi completes a rifleman and begins another. The construction underway at Vovanville is changed from a coal plant to a courthouse to help stem the rampant corruption there. Excelsior orders the city of Alexandria to produce a rifleman immediately. He authorizes the city governor to use whatever inducements are necessary.

                        Egyptian riflemen and cavalry attack the Russian position near Pompeii. A Cossack and Musketman are killed while the Egyptians lose only a single rifleman. Egyptian cavalry are beaten back from Yakutsk. Russian Cossacks counterattack, destroying a division of riflemen and cavalry each. At sea, four Egyptian cities are bombarded by the Russian Navy killing 80,000 people and destroying the library of Pi-Ramesses.
                        Turn #2>1908AD
                        The city of Excelsior completes a police station and begins a factory. The oppressed population of Alexandria trains a rifleman and begins a barracks. Smolensk completes a new Ditchdigging Corps and begins a factory. Russian scientists report a great discovery, the secret of Replaceable Parts! After a brief search, it is determined that there is only one source of rubber in all of Russia. Fortunately, it is instantly accessible; work on new infantry units can begin immediately. Excelsior orders the Russian scientists to begin work toward the secret of Electronics; toward that goal, the scientists report that they are beginning work toward the secret of Medicine.

                        The sole survivor of the Russian force near Pompeii is destroyed by Egyptian cavalry. Two divisions of Egyptian cavalry attack a division of Russian riflemen in the mountains near where Novgorod once stood, but both are beaten soundly. Russian counterattacks near Novgorod Mountain are successful in destroying a division of riflemen and a division of cavalry, though a division of riflemen is lost in the process. Two divisions of knights are dispatched from Buto to stabilize the front. Russian Cossacks from Alexandria attack Egyptian riflemen in the area. Though the first wave of Cossacks is repulsed, the second wave destroys a division of conscript riflemen. Meanwhile, the Russian bombardment against the Egyptian coast continues.
                        The battle of Novgorod Mountain:

                        Turn #3>1910AD
                        Delta completes a Cossack and begins another. Vladivostok also completes a Cossack and begins another. Moscow trains a rifleman and begins an aqueduct. Minsk trains a Cossack and begins yet another.

                        2 divisions of Egyptian cavalry attack the division of Russian riflemen in the hills near Novgorod Mountain. Both are repulsed; two of the three divisions of cavalry in the area retreat to Asyut. Using a combination of riflemen, knights, and Cossacks, the Russian Army destroys two divisions of riflemen and one division of cavalry while taking no losses. An Egyptian ironclad is destroyed attempting to break the blockade of Pi-Ramesses. The Russian bombardment of the Egyptian shores continues.
                        Turn #4>1912AD
                        Beta trains a Cossack and begins another. Lurkburg completes a transport and begins the training of another Cossack. Vovanville builds a courthouse and likewise begins training a Cossack. Mosfrog trains a rifleman and begins work on a division of infantry. The city of Eta completes a Cathedral and begins work on a division of infantry. Mu completes the training of a rifleman and begins work on a courthouse. The production of Sevastopol is changed from riflemen to infantry.

                        Excelsior VIII orders the Russian Army to upgrade as many rifleman divisions to infantry as possible. He authorizes the use of 320 gold to upgrade 16 divisions. He further authorizes 420 gold to upgrade 7 divisions of musketmen. Finally, another 240 gold is spent to upgrade 2 divisions of pikemen to modern infantry. Excelsior is forced to lower the science rate another 10% to compensate for the budget deficits.

                        Egyptian riflemen counterattack Russian forces near Novgorod Pass, the narrow land bridge between Russia and Egypt, destroying a division of riflemen and a division of knights. Russian counterattacks are not particularly successful. A division of knights is lost while several divisions of Cossacks are routed. The Egyptian Army lost only a single division of riflemen.
                        Turn #5>1914AD
                        Alpha and St. Petersburg train Cossacks and begin more. Excelsior's trade advisor reports that the agreement with the English has expired. The Russian people we have to learn to do without English dyes.

                        The war continues to go badly for the Russians. A division of Cossacks and a division of riflemen are destroyed by Egyptian cavalry. Counterattacks are successful in destroying 2 divisions of Egyptian riflemen, however. Seven fresh divisions of Cossacks set out from Gamma to reinforce the Egyptian front. It is hoped that with the addition of these divisions, the tide of war can be turned. It is time for the Russians to retake Byblos.
                        Turn #6>1916AD
                        Lamda completes the training of a new division of Cossacks and begins work on a barracks. The people of Alexandria are unhappy due to a multitude of causes including the draft, the cruel oppression borne upon the people, the overcrowded city conditions, and the war with Egypt. Excelsior orders entertainment temporarily. Kappa completes a temple and begins the training of a new Ditchdigging Corps. There is a deposit of rubber near the city but it is not connected to the Russian infrastructure. Theta completes a factory and begins training a division of infantry. Iota completes a new Destroyer for the Russian Navy and begins an aqueduct.

                        Egyptian cavalry counterattack Russian Cossacks in the Novgorod Pass, destroying one division. They have, however, made themselves extremely vulnerable to counterattack. All seven Cossack divisions disembark at Zeta. Thanks to the new transcontinental railway, the divisions arrive at the Novgorod Pass immediately, destroying two divisions of Egyptian cavalry with no losses. The Russian bombardment of the Egyptian coast continues unabated.
                        Turn #7>1918AD
                        New Excelsior trains a Cossack and begins another. Sverdlovsk completes the construction of a transport and begins work on an aqueduct. Russian Cossacks destroy a division of Egyptian riflemen near Alexandria, but otherwise, this is a quiet year in the war. The Russian naval campaign continues, of course.
                        Turn #8>1920AD
                        The city of Yakutsk completes city walls and begins construction of a courthouse. New Lurkburg completes a police station and begins training a division of infantry. The Russian naval bombardment destroys the colosseum of Pi-Ramesses. Meanwhile, the Russian army draws within striking distance of Byblos.
                        Turn #9>1922AD
                        Kappa commissions a Ditchdigger Corps and begins work on a courthouse. Epsilon completes a police station and begins work on a barracks. The bombardment continues with some effect, destroying the harbor of Pi-Ramesses.

                        The Battle of Byblos Pasture began in August of 1922AD. The Russian Cossacks stood ready to exact revenge for the humiliations suffered here, the Egyptian riflemen stood ready to defend their city. Though the first three waves of Cossacks were brutally repulsed, the fourth wave broke the Egyptian lines. With the fifth, the Cossacks obliterated the Egyptian defenders, charging into the city and burning it to the ground. Never again would the Egyptians hold the city of Byblos. Nor would anyone else. Before the day was over, three divisions of Egyptian riflemen were destroyed with few losses to the Russian ranks. What is more, six divisions of slaves were captured, substantially increasing the Russian labor force.
                        Egypt after the loss of Byblos:

                        Turn #10>1924AD
                        The city of Gamma completes a rifleman and begins work on a barracks. Vladivostok completes the training of a Cossack and begins work on another. Zeta builds a great cathedral and begins work on a police station to help lower the rampant corruption. Kiev completes a University and begins work on a barracks. The cities of Eta and Tblisi are ordered to change production to settlers. Excelsior VIII plans to block the Novgorod pass with a new Russian city. Thanks in large part to the use of slave labor, a road through the Novgorod Pass is completed, allowing reinforcements for Alexandria to arrive much more quickly. The Russian Army continues on past the rubble of Byblos on its way to reinforce Alexandria.
                        Turn #11>1926AD
                        Excelsior Memorialis trains a Cossack and begins work on a factory. Both Eta and Tblisi complete settlers and begin work on new divisions of infantry. Rostov completes a marketplace and begins work on a courthouse. Terrible news arrives at the palace in Eta! The oil well near Mu has been completely exhausted! Fortunately for the Russian economy, there are two reserve wells within Russian borders that are still producing well.

                        Egyptian cavalry destroys an exposed division of Cossacks near Alexandria but opens itself up for counterattack. Russian Cossacks swiftly descend upon and destroy it. Slave labor completes the railroad through the Novgorod Pass. Soon, Russian forces will be able to reinforce Alexandria nearly instantaneously.
                        Turn #12>1928AD
                        Vovanville completes the training of a Cossack division and begins another. Odessa does likewise. Through great skill and courage, an exposed division of Cossacks held off an attack by Egyptian cavalry, protecting the division of cannon it was escorting! The railroad to Alexandria is nearing completion.
                        Turn #13>1930AD
                        Delta trains a Cossack and begins training yet another. Russian Scholars have discovered the secret of Medicine. In pursuit of their directive to discover Electronics, the Scholars propose to develop the Scientific Method next. Excelsior VIII agrees.

                        Two divisions of Cossacks arrive at Zeta. On route to Alexandria across the newly completed railway, they discover a division of Egyptian longbowmen approaching. They stop to destroy it before continuing on to the newly built city of Novgorod. Built in the Novgorod Pass, the new city stands as a testament to the lost men and women of the original city, brutally murdered and enslaved by Egyptian troops.

                        Russian commanders in Alexandria report that they are preparing for a new invasion of Egypt, one that may see the destruction of the Egyptian capital at Thebes. Phase one of the plan calls for the capture of Heliopolis. This will probably be simple; the city has been bombarded by the Russian Navy for many years and the defenders are in pitiful condition. Phase two calls for the rapid construction of a railroad into Heliopolis, allowing for the rapid reinforcement of the city. Phase three calls for the invasion of Thebes, the Egyptian capital, using Heliopolis as a staging area for Russian troops. Excelsior deems it a good plan and gives his generals the go-ahead to execute it.

                        Turn #14>1932AD
                        Beta and Lurkburg complete Cossacks and begin more. Epsilon completes a barracks and begins work on a division of infantry. Disgusting pollution strikes the formerly pristine city of Theta. Also, a railway connecting the tips of the eastern continent has been completed. Every city on the eastern continent is now connected by railway.

                        Egyptian cavalry draws up near the city of Novgorod, but is immediately obliterated by Russian Cossacks. The Russian bombardment of Egyptian coastal cities has been maintained continuously for the last 28 years and does not let up now. A diversionary force of three Cossacks and one rifleman division lands near the besieged city of Pi-Ramesses.

                        Upon the order of Excelsior himself, Russian forces near Alexandria initiate the plan. Russian Cossacks storm across the Egyptian border and easily capture the city of Heliopolis. Phase two of the plan will be commenced immediately. Once a railroad has been built connecting Alexandria to Heliopolis, the invasion of Thebes will commence!
                        Turn #15>1934AD
                        Alpha completes the training of a Cossack and begins another. Mosfrog completes an infantry and begins another. New Lurkburg trains a division of infantry and begins another. Krasnoyarsk trains Cossacks and begins more.

                        The only battles fought this year were at Pi-Ramesses. Three divisions of Cossacks attacked the city and all but one were repulsed. The survivors of the debacle retreated back to the safety of the Russian Galleon off the coast. Total losses totaled one division of rifleman on each side.
                        Turn #16>1936AD
                        Lamda completes a barracks and begins construction of a factory. Egyptian cavalry strikes back, liberating one division of slaves. The city of Kharkov is founded on the rubble of Byblos. Despite an enormous force stationed there, the city of Heliopolis has rebelled and joined the Egyptians. Excelsior denounces the Egyptians in a stirring oratory and vows to never again let an Egyptian live. The city is immediately recaptured by Russian Cossacks, but the loss of the troops garrisoned there may prove crippling. Russian naval bombardment destroys both the temple and marketplace of Elephantine. Finally, Russian Cossacks recapture the Egyptian slaves that were liberated by Egyptian cavalry destroying the cavalry in the process.

                        Turn #17>1938AD
                        The city of Vladivostok trains Cossacks and begins more. The city of Kiev completes city barracks and begins construction of an aqueduct. Minsk trains Cossacks and begins more. Russian forces near Heliopolis hold off Egyptian cavalry attacks with no losses. Five fresh divisions of Cossacks disembark at Zeta and immediately reinforce Heliopolis.
                        Turn #18>1940AD
                        The city of Gamma builds a barracks and begins a factory. Moscow completes an aqueduct and begins a factory. Two waves of Egyptian cavalry catch the defenders of Heliopolis unprepared. The city is currently garrisoned only by Cossacks, but through amazing bravery the Cossacks lost only one division while destroying an equal number of Egyptian cavalry. Russian counterattacks quickly destroy another division of cavalry. Meanwhile, the Russian Navy destroys the library of Elephantine. The Russian Army reports that phase two is complete and that phase three will be implemented shortly.
                        Turn #19>1942AD
                        New Excelsior and St. Petersburg both train divisions of cavalry and begin training more. Theta trains a division of infantry and begins work on a harbor. Egyptian cavalry attacks Heliopolis but is useless against the infantry defending the city. Russian Cossacks quickly mop up the survivors. Excelsior VIII's generals report that will be able to begin the invasion of Thebes next year. Excelsior charters a train to Heliopolis so that he may observe the battle.
                        Turn #20>1944AD
                        Buto completes a marketplace and begins work on a courthouse. An Egyptian frigate is observed sinking a British Man-of-War. It is quickly hunted down and destroyed by a Russian destroyer. Further, the Russian Navy destroys the Colosseum of Elephantine with its constant bombardment. After some preliminary mop-up actions, Excelsior's generals report that they are ready to begin the attack on Thebes.

                        The battle was long and bloody. Many thousands died on the fields of Egypt that day. Eight waves of Russian Cossacks fell against the defenders and eight waves were repulsed. Finally, the tide of battle turned. The ninth tenth, and eleventh waves smashed through the defenders until the city gates were smashed and the Russian troops poured in. They burned the city, a city of hundreds of thousands. They destroyed the treasures contained within, and enslaved the population. There was nothing left of the city when the Cossacks finished. It was all gone, obliterated, vanished from the face of the earth. Soon, Excelsior VIII himself vanished. But he had served his purpose, to lead the Russians to a great victory over the Egyptians. He had served his purpose and now he died in peace.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Excelsior; December 25, 2001, 18:32.


                        • Some notes to my successor:

                          The Egyptians don't have Replaceable Parts, or at least, I don't think they do. If they do, I'm sure they don't have any rubber. When a city defects, it is garrisoned by the best unit the recieving civ has available to it, and in the case of Heliopolis, this was a rifleman. Until the Egyptians get infantry we have an advantage and should exploit it.

                          Don't stop building Cossacks just because we now have infantry. Infantry may have +6 defense, but properly used, 3 movement and the ability to retreat can be more important than defensive ability. Ideally, Cossacks should never need to defend themselves. Use infantry to garrison cities and protect retreating or wounded Cossacks, but continue to use Cossacks for the main offensives until the Egyptians get infantry. Once they do, of course, offensive operations are going to be nearly impossible until the development of tanks.

                          Don't worry excessively about capturing cities. If you have enough units to take the city but not keep it, burn it and move on. We can always rebuild later when the Egyptians are on the run. There is a vast tract of Egyptian land that is unoccupied; we should send some settlers out that way immediately.


                          • I'll play my turn tomorrow morning, unless Volvansim posts before I check here and download the save, in which case I'll let him take his rule.
                            The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.


                            • my summary

                              Ralph Jones:
                              Not this game. Check here, and at I think there is one open at civfanatics.

                              Not much happened during my turn. I was in a bit of a hurry, and didn't detail everything (I didn't write it down while it was happening). Basically there were multiple skirmishes near Novograd until the Egyptians captured it. The we fell back to the next city behind Novograd. That's how the war went during my reign. I bombarded cities like there was no tomorrow

                              I'll keep better track next time. Good luck Jumping Choya!
                              "Dog of a Saxon! Take thy lance, and prepare for the death thou hast drawn upon thee!" -Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert in novel 'Ivanhoe'


                              • So what kind of victory are we going for here? We're getting pretty close to the end of the game. It seems to me that our best bet is the spaceship. Of course, we've got a histographic victory locked down, but I'd prefer to win other than by default, if possible. Military and Domination victories are out simply because we don't have enough turns left to have a shot at them. It would be fun to try, though. Diplomatic and Cultural victories are possible, but undesirable. That leaves the spaceship and the histograph.

