PRESIDENT SMOKE-JAGUAR'S ears were ringing from all the shouting. Normally docile senators and congressmen were red faced with anger.
"THERE IS ALUMINUM NEAR the Babylonian town of New Karana!! WE have NO aluminum deposits in all of our territories! We have the most powerful and advanced military on Earth! Hamurrabi has no use for it! He doesn't even know it exists! There is no reason why we shouldn't take it!!!" screamed the senator from Xcalmkun.
"There IS valid reason!" retorted the senator from Lazapa. "We have had peace on this continent for over a thousand years. Would we violate that now? We can trade with the Indians..."
"The INDIANS? Those fascists? They'll trade it away...!"
"What makes you th..."
The Speaker banged his gavel. "Gentleman, can we please maintain a semblance of decorum?"
The President rose to speak.
"The Chair recognizes you, Mr. President."
"Gentleman, esteemed colleagues, it is my opinion we must never be dependent on a foreign power for a vital resource. When we found we had no iron and coal, we set up fortified outposts of Fort Jaguar and Fort Defiance to control unclaimed deposits. Unfortunately, now there is none of this resource that does not already lie in another realm."
"As much as it pains me, as I never gladly and willfully send our men into battle to die, we must act to claim this resource by force."
The vote was soon cast, 54-46 in favor of war.