I just wanted to add a bit of advice. The readers in the story section tend to get a bit rowdy when they don't get their story fix.
Don't give in to the temptation to post something just to get the story over with. If you are not satisfied with the product you create then I doubt that others will be either. Take your time, and create something that you enjoy and your writing will improve a great deal. In the long run, readers will appreciate this approach.
Of course this is just my $.02, take it for what its worth.
I just wanted to add a bit of advice. The readers in the story section tend to get a bit rowdy when they don't get their story fix.
Don't give in to the temptation to post something just to get the story over with. If you are not satisfied with the product you create then I doubt that others will be either. Take your time, and create something that you enjoy and your writing will improve a great deal. In the long run, readers will appreciate this approach.
Of course this is just my $.02, take it for what its worth.