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Stupid question: can I join? ;)

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  • #16
    Now THIS is getting exciting!

    Gimme a while so I can sort things out... I actually find all teams rather interesting.

    Darekill: I started learning German about 4 years ago, but since I know no germans I have not practiced it and alas, habe ich alles vergessen (is that how you say it?)
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


    • #17
      Oh, and I haven't asked, if its not classified info or anything, which Civ is each team playing?
      A true ally stabs you in the front.

      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


      • #18
        GoW is playing as China,
        Roleplay is playing as Spain,
        GS is playing as Egypt,
        Vox is playing as Persia,
        ND is playing as Arabia,
        and Legoland is playing as Carthage, I believe.

        GoW is not simply about warmongering, however. We are also Mercenaries who are willing to do anything for adequate compensation.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #19
          It was correct Master Zen. You have a pm.....
          Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


          • #20
            Now these civs make it even more interesting...

            China is defenitely "the" warmonger civ par excellance but I also like Egypt (my overall fave) and Carthage...

            Choices, choices...

            Can't think correctly on an empty stomach so I'll come back to this later today.

            Thank you all for the info

            A true ally stabs you in the front.

            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


            • #21
              In my mostly unbiased opinion, the best teams for you to join would be: Gow, Vox, RP.

              GoW is right in the thick of things, and have some of the most cunning trade and diplomacy tactics around. They might suit your interests very well.

              Vox is the smallest team and would be thrilled to have someone with your skill on their team to give them a fighting chance against Gathering Storm ... if they ever decide to do anything exciting.

              Roleplay is perhaps one of the most entertaining forums in the game, with a lot of casual roleplaying, good humor, and side discussions that helps keep things interesting when the turns go long and we are between major conflicts. We have very few military strategy types, so you would be admired and respected the same as with Vox. We have a few more active team members than most (and a lot of inactives) so we don't NEED new members and I don't want to try to steal you away from teams that might need you.

              Themewise, GoW is more militaristic and machiavellian, with a mean streak of pride and honor.

              Vox attempts to speak with one voice and act as a Unity/Collective government. Very Socialist.

              RP attempts to mimic history and abide by our actual form of government as well as level of technology. Thus far Despotism has made Spain my own personal kingdom with clan leaders, nobles, wisemen, and generals to advice me. I appoint a lot of individuals to run the nation as governors and generals and tend to issue edicts and proclaimations from my palace in Madrid while my minions tend to the business of running the nation for me. When we switch to Monarchy, all of my minions will receive noble status, fiefdoms, dukedoms, etc, and I will (hopefully) remain King. Should we ever go Republic or Democracy all hell will break loose, as we'll have to devise a Democractic system and I might have to start running for election or something.

              As a sidenote, Legoland actually is a Democracy and Gathering Storm is some sort of a mix with schools and groups ... maybe akin to a secret society as none of us really know what they do over there or how they operate.

              Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
              Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
              Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
              Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


              • #22
                Togas, you just make things more difficult for me

                There's really something about all teams which I like, so in a while I'm going to solve this impasse in a cold calculating mathematical manner as we economists are acustomed to.
                A true ally stabs you in the front.

                Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                • #23
                  Ok, here it is... may sound a little ridiculous but, then again, aren't all economists ridiculous??

                  I have decided to base my decision on a mathematical ranking system (1-5) based on 5 traits:

                  MEMBERS: how many and how well do I know the members of each team?

                  TEAM STYLE: from what I've read, is the team warmonger, builder, etc? which style best suits me?

                  STRATEGIC SITUATION: is the team isolated or in the middle of conflict?

                  CIVILIZATION: what civ are they playing? which do I like the most?

                  USEFULNESS: how usefull will I be to the team? one of many or one of few? a lot of strategists where I won't have a voice?

                  And the results are: (less is better)

                  Gathering Storm
                  MEM = 2
                  STYLE = 2
                  STRAT = 4
                  CIV = 1
                  USE = 5
                  TOTAL = 14

                  Glory of War
                  MEM = 3
                  STYLE = 1
                  STRAT = 1
                  CIV = 3
                  USE = 2
                  TOTAL = 10

                  MEM = 4
                  STYLE = 5
                  STRAT = 5
                  CIV = 2
                  USE = 3
                  TOTAL = 19

                  MEM = 1
                  STYLE = 3
                  STRAT = 4
                  CIV = 5
                  USE = 4
                  TOTAL = 16

                  Vox Controli
                  MEM = 5
                  STYLE = 4
                  STRAT = 2
                  CIV = 4
                  USE = 1
                  TOTAL = 16

                  BTW, I ruled out ND because my German ain't that good

                  so, in this unbiased ranking, I guess Glory of War is the team for me

                  Thanks again to everyone who gave me such valuable insight, and I wish all the teams the best of luck.

                  Any closing arguments before I formally ask to join GoW?

                  Last edited by Master Zen; March 16, 2003, 19:02.
                  A true ally stabs you in the front.

                  Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Togas
                    GoW is right in the thick of things, and have some of the most cunning trade and diplomacy tactics around. They might suit your interests very well.

                    Themewise, GoW is more militaristic and machiavellian, with a mean streak of pride and honor.
                    /me is trying to decide it this was meant as an insult, compliment, or both...

                    He sure does have us pegged with the Pride and Honor, though.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Master Zen

                      so, in this unbiased ranking, I guess Glory of War is the team for me

                      Good thing. Vox was getting kind of large.
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BetaHound

                        Good thing. Vox was getting kind of large.

                        actually, I'm still not 100% convinced, after receiving some very convincing PMs for some of you...

                        I thought this was going to be a little easier...

                        Well, let me just put it this way, it's pretty much between GS and GoW.

                        I'll have to consult with the pillow...

                        Thanx for showing so much interest in this humble civver...

                        A true ally stabs you in the front.

                        Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                        • #27
                          Flip a coin, that's how I picked my team, and so far it's been much better than what the other possibility would have been at the time.
                          meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                          • #28
                            Master Zen, unless something really wierd happens, you can join GoW.
                            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                            May God Bless.


                            • #29
                              OK, I'VE MADE MY FINAL DEFINITIVE DECISION

                              After much though, and trust me, this has been much more difficult than I had thought, I have decided on the following:

                              So far I have been tempted to join Gathering Storm and Glory of War. I like GS because some their members are people I respect a lot in the strat forum and it would be an honor for me to join their discussions. I like GoW because they seem to be in an interesting strategic situation in the game and their warmongering/machiavellian style suits me rather well.

                              My first "hunch" (the emotional part) says I should join GS. My second "hunch" (the rational part) says I should join GoW.

                              I have decided therefore to make a compromise. I will create a double login called Zen Master which will... :

                              (just kidding)

                              I WILL JOIN GLORY OF WAR.


                              If there is another PTWDG after this one is over, I will join the strategy guys whether they be in in GS or a new team. You guys can count on me to be part of your team from this moment

                              I know that whichever of the teams I would have chose, I would have regretted a certain aspect, as I said before, this has not been an easy choice. In any case, I would like to thank all of you who have posted here, and those of you, Togas, Darekill and Theseus who have PMed with with really, REALLY convincing arguments.

                              Thanx again to all, and I'll see you in the game!
                              A true ally stabs you in the front.

                              Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                              • #30
                                Have fun, Master Z.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

