Unorthodox: Isn't it the case that you can load a PBEM game up as if it were a normal SP game and bypass all the passwords and see the whole map?
Obviously for this to happen somebody who have to be 1) A cheater or 2) Very stupid. Hopefully we have none of the first group in this game, but I fear we have some of the second group.
Or have I have misunderstood something somewhere? I could easily be wrong because i don't have PTW, but this was the impression I got from other threads I've read.
Obviously for this to happen somebody who have to be 1) A cheater or 2) Very stupid. Hopefully we have none of the first group in this game, but I fear we have some of the second group.
Or have I have misunderstood something somewhere? I could easily be wrong because i don't have PTW, but this was the impression I got from other threads I've read.