Originally posted by Arrian
Ok, this is the second time I've seen this allegation. And I would very much like to know if there is any truth to it.
With respect to the MPP issue, let's just say that if GS had a MPP with someone else and our MPP partner attacked us, I'd be rip****. And believe me, if Vox had violated a MPP to attack us, there would not have been a Voxodus if we could have prevented it.
Ok, this is the second time I've seen this allegation. And I would very much like to know if there is any truth to it.
With respect to the MPP issue, let's just say that if GS had a MPP with someone else and our MPP partner attacked us, I'd be rip****. And believe me, if Vox had violated a MPP to attack us, there would not have been a Voxodus if we could have prevented it.
As for Lux, here's what happened:
Lux Invicta, or specifically Trip, realized he was done for. Lux Invicta DID have an MPP with Roleplay Team.
- First, Lux Invicta was sending warriors through ND's cultural territory.
- We specifically warned Lux Invicta that intentionally pissing off Neu Demogyptica and getting them to declare war on Lux Invicta wasn't what we had in mind when we signed an MPP with them, but we also knew that if ND actually attacked Lux first, we were going to get dragged in and that was that.
- Next, Lux Invicta kept doing things to provoke ND.
- ND, smarter than the average bear, noted that they had a linked source of iron with plenty of money from going 100% tax while Lux did not. ND upgraded their warriors to swordsmen and put them in a pretty stack.
- RP Team, meanwhile, was still in REX. We really had no military to speak of and if we switched to military production, it would have taken time to get a stack of archers marching north. We specifically warned Lux Invicta of this fact as a reason not to provoke ND until everyone was ready.
- ND came to us at some point and we told them that if they attacked Lux Invicta before a given turn, we would be forced to attack them in turn, as it seems GoW likely would as well.
- ND was pretty smart about it. THey moved their stack of swordsmen toward Lux Invicta with only 1 turn left on the RP-Lux MPP, but not yet within their borders. They moved a scout toward Lux as well.
- Lux Invicta, realizing they were screwed if ND actually invaded, called a meeting of Lux, RP, and GoW where Lux basically asked for assistance. RP Team was quite explicit in that we felt Lux had provoked the coming war (though we agree with Trip in retrospect that it would have likely happened regardless), that we had no military to send yet but could certainly switch to military production if Neu Demogyptica attacked Lux and it was possible to save them.
- GoW, for their part, GhengisFarb himself, spent the entire conference trying to convince Lux Invicta to "sell" GoW Lux's northern city in return for aid. At the end of the discussion, GoW also said they had some horsemen they could use to help out Lux if Neu Dem actually invaded.
- Lux Invicta ATTACKED Neu Demogyptica rather than waiting for Neu Dem to attack Lux, which did not activate the very strictly defensive MPP RP had with Lux.
- GoW then proceeded to backstab Lux Invicta in order to conquer the very city they had asked Lux Invicta to "sell" them in the joint chat.
- The RP-Lux MPP had expired AND Lux had started the war, so RP was not obligated to help, nor had pledged it. Given that the situation was hopeless and Lux was abandoning their own ciites, we certainly were not going to commit suicide against the walls of Neu Demogyptica simply for sport.
- GoW and ND finished taking out Lux Invicta.
And that, gentlemen, is the story of the Lux war. Not only did RP Team not pledge direct support, but at least we stayed home rather than backstabbing the people who were asking us for help
