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  • UUs

    I am new player of Civ III and PTW and love it. Reading the threads has really helped me learn how to play. Is it possible to add a new unit using the editor for certian civs, and if so, to have it initiate a second golden age. I tried using the editor and got: Error Reading Program File Missing Entry in "text\pedialcons.txt":ICON

    I am a history buff as I am sure many of the Civ fans are. I just believe that some civs, English, Spanish, French and maybe the Romans should have two golden ages.

    Also, the Roman Legionary should be able to build roads. The Arabs and Mongols also need some increased capability.

  • #2
    MOAB, Roman Legions building roads...hmm. While this may be more historically accurate, the legionary is already a formidable unit even for a UU. Probably to much power in one units hands I think.
    "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


    • #3
      For the pediaicons thing, you need to type the icon in the pediaicon.txt file. Each new unit needs a new entry in pediaicon.txt. You can simply "borrow" icons from other units though by copying their file names and renaming them then typing their file names in pediaicon.txt.
      "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
      but when there has been naming
      we should also know when to stop.
      Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


      • #4
        Re: UUs

        Originally posted by MOAB
        . Is it possible to add a new unit using the editor for certian civs, and if so, to have it initiate a second golden age. I tried using the editor and got: Error Reading Program File Missing Entry in "text\pedialcons.txt":ICON
        You may find the following post/thread instructive:

        [SIZE=1] Also, the Roman Legionary should be able to build roads.
        From a gameplay perspective, I think that this would make Rome too strong. If Legionary road building was added, something would have to be taken away for balance IMHO.

        Best of luck with the new unit additions.
        Cheers, bvc


        • #5
          The game only allows one Golden Age per civ (even if you add a second UU).

          Addding road building will work for the human, but I'm pretty sure the AI won't use it that way because you won't be able to set the Terraform Strategy with only the road flag.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6
            Does anyone know why Firaxis decided on one and only one Golden Age? I understand not allowing them to happen willy-nilly, but it seems like having one for a victorious UU and one for Wonder building would work well.

            I often find that I hold off fighting with the early UUs for fear of triggering a premature GA.

            - TT


            • #7
              Because it could be easily abused; if you got your first Golden Age before the other guy, you could spend it building the other fellow's needed wonders, confident that you'll get one more to take care of yourself later. (Ignoring what all your other cities might be doing.) If you were playing a moderately early Civ vs. a late Civ (China vs Germany for example) and strung your GAs back-to-back, 40+ turns of Golden Age Rider production could easily shatter the back of a Civ that was your equivalent going into the GA. (You could also ride a double-GA through a technological era in very little time.)

              GA's are powerful enough as it is.

              And for those who play Internet MP... do you REALLY want the Zulu or the Aztecs to get TWO Golden Ages?

              Friedrich Psitalon
              Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
              Consultant, Firaxis Games


              • #8
                GA's are very powerful unless one is started by accident when an AI idiot attacks my greek hoplite with a warrior The GA feels a bit wasted when I only have 3 small cities...

                Maybe you could allow 2 GA if you seperated them with at least one age? Like if you had your first in the ancient age you couldn't have another until the industrial age. If you weakened each GA you could even have one in each age. Or different kind of GA. When you get GA of enlightment you would get 20 turn with science bonus, GA of Conquest would yield cheaper military upgrades and so on.
                Don't eat the yellow snow.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the feedback. The UUs and GAs are a great aspect of the game. Any changes made to any civ would have to be balanced to some degree for all the civs. However, it seems that most of the historically strong civs England, France and Spain to a lesser degree Rome are all undesirable civs to play but they should be some of the more interesting. And Carthage should have the War Elephant-Hannibal crossing the Alps and all.


                  • #10
                    England is undesirable to play? Hooooboy. Hyper-REX with sub-normal corruption is great, as long as you're playing a nice, big map.
                    Friedrich Psitalon
                    Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                    Consultant, Firaxis Games


                    • #11
                      I'll give England a shot. Besides the map size does does it matter what type of world.


                      • #12
                        Actually, no- England can be the first to get boats if you're on an archipelago, and if you're on a Pangea, can get an ultra-early granary. Mind you, there ARE better Civs out there than England for expansion, but England's combo of being able to expand very quickly under any circumstances and having lower corruption at longer distances is very potent in longer games.
                        Friedrich Psitalon
                        Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                        Consultant, Firaxis Games


                        • #13
                          I would have to say that, all in all, England is simply the very worst civ in the entire game.
                          "Got the rock from Detroit, soul from Motown"
                          - Kid Rock "American Badass"


                          • #14
                            They arent that bad Dennis, I play England always (since I'm from there!) and have learned thier advantages. As people the Corruption benefit is great, couple it with a good Settler farm and a handful of techs at the beggening of the game and you're laughing
                            Up The Millers


                            • #15
                              I wish they were good; I think it'd be fun to be the English. Their traits are so-so and the UU is obviously weak. They could be ok, but i could make a case for any other civ being better than them. That's why I say they're the weakest.
                              "Got the rock from Detroit, soul from Motown"
                              - Kid Rock "American Badass"

