
No announcement yet. Starcraft...ummm...Empire earth...!!!!!!!!

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  • #46
    Given you put this poll in the Civ 3 forum I think Civ 3 will win
    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


    • #47
      Not necessarily... there are lots of people who hate Civ 3 who still post here
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #48
        Have you guys seen what's been going on in the GalCiv forums for the past couple of days?

        It seems like everybody who's bought it is raving about how good it is. An instant classic.


        • #49
          My vote for best pure-strategy game would go to the Combat Mission series from, but I am a grognard.
          Still love Civ though.
          Empire Earth is a lot of fun, but it has some problems. First would be the irritating "we're under attack!" sound you hear every time a battle happens, and second would be the incredible cheating of AI opponents in multiplayer. The AI doesn't seem to need to gather any resources to produce an empire, and you find that their pumpkin patches have been scarcely touched at the end of a long game.
          Damn, I am sick of game designers substituting intelligent AI with cheating AI.


          • #50
            Actually, as click fests go, C&C Generals is pretty good.

            But I voted civ III


            • #51
              I just got Empire Earth Gold Edition for real cheap at Best Buy (open item, I got a friend who will go open the games up so I can buy 'em cheap later) It was one that I would actually consider paying full price for if I didn't already have the game.

              As far as the annoying "we're under attack" you can turn the volume down, because there is flashing swords on the mini map.

              The Art of Conquest expansion that comes with the Gold Edition remedies the different civs problem, allowing you bonuses for different tribes, as well as the option to make your own tribes based on bonuses.

              Yes, the AI cheats BIG TIME, if you remember all the people complaining about the Civ3 AI after it came out, it's kinda like that, only 8 times worse.

              The best remedy for this that I've found so far, is playing 2v2 Random Maps, Giving yourself a computer ally. (If you just watch your ally you can see how little resources his villiagers gather btw.) The computer ally will protect you while you get established, and once you have a good economy and can afford an army, get one.

              The reason I don't think too many people bought into this game was the fact that you can't cheat in the campaigns. They are mind-numbing, and some newbie players don't want to put the necessary effort into the game. The lack of cheats is something I admire in Empire Earth tho, it forces you to become good at the game, or suck indeffinitely. I personally can't get very far in any of the campaigns, (furthest was the fourth Greek one, although I beat the learning ones lol) and have really wanted to cheat out the extra grand worth of gold so I could complete my army, but the challenge does keep me coming back.

              Some people argue that this game is a clickfest, and they are right, however; the best remedy for this in Random Map games is the F3 button (pause). With the amount of cheating the AI does, the least you could do is pause the game so your pikemen are targeting their horses and so on. I've found that I always win battles with single-type unit computer armies. Against humans, they're working at close to the same speed as you, they can't instantly change their attacks like the computer can, so you're evenly matched and it honestly goes to the better player every time.

              Sorry for the longest post on this Thread, but I didn't see any other threads with Empire Earth anywhere in it. My suggestion (and it's a strong one) is to Buy Empire Earth Gold.
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

