Originally posted by SpencerH
Entering a square under enemy ZOC should cost 1MP independent of rail or roads. That penalty should be in addition to the potential for HP loss while moving from one enemy ZOC to another enemy ZOC.
These types of rules were used successfully by board wargamers for years with much more complex warfare models than any CIV title.
Entering a square under enemy ZOC should cost 1MP independent of rail or roads. That penalty should be in addition to the potential for HP loss while moving from one enemy ZOC to another enemy ZOC.
These types of rules were used successfully by board wargamers for years with much more complex warfare models than any CIV title.
Remember, folks, you can select which units have ZOC in the editor. So . . . . Warriors would not be stopping tanks!

It REALLY bothers me when I put a huge line of troops to block the AI and they find one little diagonal, corner-to-corner spot that I missed and they pour through 100+ units! To me, that is ridiculous.
On the other hand (just happened to me in my most recent game), I just surround all those wonderful AI units, bombard, and kill off his precious stack. Now, with all AI reserves thrashed, I happily waltz into any city I choose. Stupid AI . . . .
But, YES, zoc should be changed!!