First i want to excuse my english!
I think civ3 is on of the best games ever, but the multiplayer mode is soooo terrible.
Because every new round there was a disconnect maybe a player is timed out.
You cant see your units moves, or there is a very long delay in movment.
You need one hour to play 5 rounds in age about 0.
Many bugs as well, like the text problem in diplomacy, or if i chnage knowledge - programm dont kill changed knowledge.
i cant see a technical reason for this problems on producer side - cause 30 Euro are much money for a addon!
And all 3 player have very good Computer and a flat adsl!
Sorry for this ****! but its true --> in this state it is a bad game
I think civ3 is on of the best games ever, but the multiplayer mode is soooo terrible.
Because every new round there was a disconnect maybe a player is timed out.
You cant see your units moves, or there is a very long delay in movment.
You need one hour to play 5 rounds in age about 0.
Many bugs as well, like the text problem in diplomacy, or if i chnage knowledge - programm dont kill changed knowledge.
i cant see a technical reason for this problems on producer side - cause 30 Euro are much money for a addon!
And all 3 player have very good Computer and a flat adsl!
Sorry for this ****! but its true --> in this state it is a bad game
