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PTW is really bad addon

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  • PTW is really bad addon

    First i want to excuse my english!

    I think civ3 is on of the best games ever, but the multiplayer mode is soooo terrible.

    Because every new round there was a disconnect maybe a player is timed out.

    You cant see your units moves, or there is a very long delay in movment.

    You need one hour to play 5 rounds in age about 0.

    Many bugs as well, like the text problem in diplomacy, or if i chnage knowledge - programm dont kill changed knowledge.

    i cant see a technical reason for this problems on producer side - cause 30 Euro are much money for a addon!

    And all 3 player have very good Computer and a flat adsl!

    Sorry for this ****! but its true --> in this state it is a bad game

  • #2
    That sounds pretty bad. Perhaps, you should post this in the appropriate forum
    "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


    • #3
      I.E. here


      • #4
        Originally posted by Frozzy
        I.E. here
        Somehow I think Frozzy is right.

        The CTP-multiplaying forum MIGHT be the best place to publich such feelings afterall .

        I fell still less and less for buying the PTW add-on, when it comes to Denmark. Even though we can play a PBEM-game.

        But still - I am not sure what to do..............
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #5
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #6
            Acutally it is a pretty bad addon for MP. SP is quite nice though. I played with a friend that brought over his laptop, we linked our computers up and started a simo. game. Right from the get-go there is a ton of lag, each time to move a unit it takes about 1 full second before you see the unit move, most units have 3 movement on road so it really adds up, and this is with a 5 ping! I not playing another online game until this issue is fixed. Moving an army takes way too long. Small maps are key.
            Theyve got the right idea, lets just see it work... please.

            PS: Playing against the AI in simo. mode is a little wierd. They always get to go first at the beginning of the round which is suppose to happen while I go, but I cant click on an offensive unit to attack the AI before he uses his to attack me. This style game should actually be called "AI first, Humans Simo." :/


            • #7
              Acutally it is a pretty bad addon for MP
              PBEM is good fun too, a few quirks that still need to be worked, but other then that

              PS: Playing against the AI in simo.
              I was under the impression this wasn't possible

              Anyway, none of the new modes (regicide, etc,..) is supposed to be played with the AI on. It just can't handle it and was never (really) optimised for it.
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                Not so bad as an add-on. SP features are OK, PBEM is fine (better with the last patch) and the AI enhancements in SP are OK too.

                But some of the MP modes still need a lot of work.
                I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                • #9
                  "I was under the impression this wasn't possible"

                  You can play against the AI in similtanious mode, but yer right, there is a mode in which you cant include AI. Im to tired to think right now. >_<

                  PS: In that 5 ping game I was playing with my friend (LAN), after each turn as the AI got bigger and bigger, there was this box that would pop-up and saying "WAITING FOR OTHER PLAYER" and start counting down from 60 I think. At first it would only count down a couple of seconds before letting us play, but then it got worse and worse, becoming 15-20 seconds. Finally, our game was almost over anyways, it counted down about 30 seconds and then said "LOST CONNECTION". Im no computer genous, but how the hell can you lose a connection on a LAN?!?! I suppose I know the answer... programming.

