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In civ4

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ozymandias
    ?? - I thought this didn't work -- despite creating it as a small wonder, the first one completed makes nukes available to one and all?
    It's been fixed.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #17
      Originally posted by anzor
      Creating good scenarios is a problem...
      Yeah, it takes skill, imagination, and determination.

      There are 2 things that would be needed in the editor to make some specialized scenarios. A diplomacy editing capability and an ability to set trigger events.
      Seemingly Benign
      Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


      • #18
        Originally posted by Argos65987

        In the editor, you can change the amount of time that passes on turns in different ages. You can also increase the minimum time to reach a new technology, which would stretch out the ancient/mideval ages. Also, you could move the ability to trade communications with other civs to another tech besides writing, which would slow down the AI tech trading.
        Ok Im looking at General Settings tab in the editor but I feel like Im looking at the cockpit of an F-16. Where exactly would I change the passage of time, etc.?


        • #19
          Originally posted by arslankhan
          Ok Im looking at General Settings tab in the editor but I feel like Im looking at the cockpit of an F-16. Where exactly would I change the passage of time, etc.?
          It's not on that tab. It's on the scenario properties tab.
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #20
            Oops, yeah... I totally forgot about those.
            cIV list: cheats
            Now watch this drive!


            • #21
              But those are only needed for a shorter term game that models a particular war. For the more general game where you allow countries to decide their own destiny, they aren't usually needed (although they'd be nice to have, just in case).
              Seemingly Benign
              Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


              • #22
                Yeah, you've probably heard this from me before ...

                Two (combined) unit / tile items:

                1. Put Rivers back INSIDE tiles! -- Their initial implementation ("natural roads") in Civ I & II might have been imperfect, but rivers have been critical routes for warcraft and transport since ancient times. Examples: the Vikings raiding Paris by sailing up the Seine; nearly every battle along the Mississippi in the ACW; the relief of Khartoum; "river rats" in Vietnam.

                2. This requires (oh, please!!) adding the ability to limit a unit's movement to ONE type of land terrain / overlay.

                More very good reasons for doing this:

                1. Aside from allowing riverines, for RRs this would allow armored trains (absolutely critical for modding wars in Eurasia from the Russo-Polish war through WW2), and "Big Bertha" style (and other siege) guns. Also, IIRC, the 1980s saw all sorts of US & Soviet plans to keep ICBMs shuttling hither and yon on RR cars -- thereby making them essentially impossible to target at the time.

                2. Also little known was the USN use of HOVERCRAFT in the swamps of the Mekong delta during the Vietnam war -- rude surprise for the VC who thought themselves in effectively impenetrable terrain.

                3. Simple realism -- (a) most large river cities invariably occupy both banks of a river and (b) the extent of floodplains is grossly overstated by having them adjacent to river tile-sides.

                Pre-bridge-building, the penalty for moving into a cityless river tile would be as extreme as the system allows -- immediate end of movement.

                For combat, rather than a defensive advantage for being attacked across a river, an offensive PENALTY for attacking FROM a river.

                ... Why did they ever change to tile-sides in the first place???

                Fervently & All That,

                ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


                • #23
                  I would like to see some things in Civ 4, brought back from Civ 2, including:
                  1) the farmland-supermarket system of Civ 2. Why go to the trouble of making a game with terrific graphics, if you have build railroads on every tile to increase food/shields?
                  2) the ability to irrigate hills, as per Civ 2. Terraced hills would look pretty cool
                  3) the ability of battleships to attack more than once. Or can this be modded in Civ3?
                  My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!


                  • #24

                    MORE EVENTS

                    EVEN MORE EVENTS

                    'nuff said


                    • #25
                      in civ4 i would like the diplomacy like the one in Alpha Centurai, ALOT more options there..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by WarpStorm

                        It's not on that tab. It's on the scenario properties tab.
                        Thanks, got it now!


                        • #27
                          After the pounding PTW has received from the majority of reviewers I think the next Civ is going to have to have major additions to bring it back to the dizzying heights from which it fell. I expect that multiplayer will be much improved by patches over time and that minor improvements such as “bombard stack to red” will probably be a gimmie.

                          Therefore, I would spend my hard earned cash on the following. Expansion type 1. Additional tribes, units, ages, wonders, and tech (more of what you know and love is always welcome just as it was for me in PTW.) Expansion type 2; the addition and integration of a gaming engine to allow me to enter a city, a tile etc. and control my units in a first person shooter style as “Mech Warriors” for instance. Expansion type 3; the addition and integration of a gaming engine to allow me to control my battles in an “Age of Empires” like real time format. Expansion type 4; an engine to allow me to conduct my Great Leaders to safety in a “No One Lives Forever 2” like way. If someone doesn’t want to have these feature then just don’t buy the expansions.

                          I have no doubt that these types of integrations would be difficult to include and might interfere with game flow, etc. but I sure would like the option!

                          The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

                          Anatole France

