I know this has been asked 10000000000s of times and thios will probaly be deleted, but oh well...
What do you want in civ4?
1.More difficult to develep nuclear bombs, it should be a harder tech to obtaion, and civs who alreeadly have can put sactions on you, You there should be treatly of non-selling it.
2.Trade cites! but if you cheatby retaking it then the world distrusts you.
4.Not nessarily more civs but better more detailed ones...
5.More Allinces, pacts,deals,triple allinces, union of many civs...
What do you want in civ4?
1.More difficult to develep nuclear bombs, it should be a harder tech to obtaion, and civs who alreeadly have can put sactions on you, You there should be treatly of non-selling it.
2.Trade cites! but if you cheatby retaking it then the world distrusts you.
4.Not nessarily more civs but better more detailed ones...
5.More Allinces, pacts,deals,triple allinces, union of many civs...