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PTW 1.14f Bug & Crash Reports

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  • #16
    I have the same complaint as battists above.

    Very annoying to move a unit only to have the focus immediately jump to the next unit. I never get the chance to see what the first one uncovered, and I have to go searching over the map back to where he is to see what it sees.

    Along with that, I still have a bit of lag when moving units. I press a numpad key, and 2 seconds later the unit moves. This is while playing a LAN game with one other computer.


    • #17
      That jumping to the next unit has been in the game in every version, it is there to psych you out. Move it last or change the order of moving units. I guess I have gotten use to it.

      One must understand Civilization the computer game.

      It is made that way, and has always worked that way.
      I kind of am laughing here, as its there so you may miss something coming up!

      It's psych!
      Any emotions!


      • #18
        Perhaps, I should explain a bit further.

        The Interface is part of the game for playing the game.

        Lean forward, or see the area quicker, if possible.

        Just a joke, but the interface and the playing always has been part of the game.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sunstone
          Another HOT ISSUE is:
          Franses wrote:
          Installed PTW and it worked. Installed patch 1.14f and it wants me to insert the PTW disc even though it is in the drive.
          Same problem to me. I am from germany, but I got the US-Version.
          One important point : With the original Civ3-PTW-Cd in the drive it works ! They seem to have built in some kind of new Copy-Protection.
          Is there somebody, who is able to play with a copy AFTER v.1.14f?
          I am not! Same problem with the US version, no solution. I also fail to load the game with patch 1.04! Is there any clue to this?

          Let's mail to Infogrames about that!


          • #20
            Same problem as Franses and Caliban!

            Install 1.01 and it starts no problem. Patch to 1.14 and it doesn't recognise the CD so won't start the game

            I can understand an original game not working but a patch that introduces a problem?

            Old saying "if it ain't broke don't patch it"
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • #21
              Cerberus, you're from GB... current reports only speak of problems with the German and Dutch (better: Benelux) versions. Seems to be a European problem now!


              • #22
                Originally posted by WarpStorm
                As a work-around for the text cut-off you could use voice chat.
                Yeah I suppose that this would work, but we really shouldn't have to resort to this. Getting chat to work should be a top priority for a multiplayer game.

                Besides, voice chat isn't even documented anywhere. How does it work?
                My nickname in the PTW matchmaking system is Psygnosis.


                • #23
                  1.14F and international version:

                  does not work. it seems infogrames put up safedisc2 as new copy protection, and the us version seems to use securom... and as such as soon as u install the patch over a europe-version of ptw.... BOOM! "please insert disc".
                  Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

                  Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


                  • #24
                    1.14F and copy protection problem:

                    Did not receive a reaction from Infogrames today. Probably means no PTW this weekend after all.
                    Franses (like Ramses).


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kwpulliam1973
                      Here's a Bug -

                      The TAB key, (Which has worked as an alternate Wait command instead of W) has now stopped working. I have been using this key command for as long as I can remember, but now I can't cycle through my units with it.

                      Thanks for Listening

                      the TAB key is used for voicechat, with it also functioning as a unit cycle key the result was awful.
                      I think this was taken out in ver 1.14f.
                      Call me Frank.
                      To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. - Thomas Jefferson


                      • #26
                        I've just bought the game in the UK and having the same 'please insert CD' problem with the 1.14 patch


                        • #27
                          Ah, not sure what you mean Raion about the units.

                          When playing the single player game, (both regular Civ3 and single player PTW) the focus remains on the unit you are moving, so you dont have the trouble with not being able to see what it uncovers. When its movement is completed, there is a slight pause so you can see what is around.

                          Only when playing multiplayer on our LAN does the problem crop up, and its quite annoying.

                          It doesnt matter what order of units you move, it happens with all the units. You move it, focus jumps to the next one, then you have to go back and see what the previous unit found. Every unit, every move.

                          Also, I have noticed while playing in single player PTW that you dont get the new build order pop up, regardless of the MP pop-up setting. I am not told that a city has completed a city improvement, such as a granary.


                          • #28
                            problem with ptw patches

                            hi everyone,

                            after i installed ptw patch1.04 (also same with 1.14f) a missing dll ifc23.dll is reported. Anyone experienced this before? I really need help.


                            • #29
                              >>1.14F and international version:
                              >>does not work. it seems infogrames put up safedisc2 as new >>copy protection, and the us version seems to use securom... >>and as such as soon as u install the patch over a europe->>version of ptw.... BOOM! "please insert disc".

                              Where did you get this information ?

                              You are talking about an "international" version...please read my post, I have got the US (!)-Version of both civ3 and ptw.

                              To get one thing straight:
                              1.14f with original CD : works for me !
                              1.14f with clone-copied CD : "cd-spinning-symbol" =doesn´t work.

                              What are you using ? When you are describing "bugs" of any sort, be as descriptive and detailed about your set up as you can.

                              Infogrames (firaxis?) seem to have installed some sort of copy-protection in this patch, WITHOUT mentioning it before. THIS is what really annoys me !

                              To recapture:
                              They didn´t fix :
                              1. MP only: "unit movement, focus jumps immediately (!) to the next unit" - Bug
                              2. text cut-off -Bug
                              3. MP : missing pop ups. Reason is obvious(my thread mentioned above), but there should be an option to turn them on.

                              Sometimes, you ask yourself, what the Beta-testers did in multiplayer. The missing pop ups are OBVIOUS in the first seconds of playing.
                              That´s very weak ! I think.

                              One last thing:
                              Can you load a 1.04f (old) Multiplayer-Savegame into 1.14f. If it is possible, why didn´t they even mention it in the readme. *grrr*
                              famous last words
                              GM:"You see a giant glowing emerald lying on the ocean floor. It's bigger than your head and pulsates with inner light."
                              PC:"Cool! I pick it up!"


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Magnu
                                I've just bought the game in the UK and having the same 'please insert CD' problem with the 1.14 patch
                                Same happened to me. Bought the CD in the Netherlands (distributed by Inforgrames UK, Inforgrames Nordic Sweden) and it claims not to be the correct CD after installing patch 1.14.

