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abbamouse civ pack for PtW -- Play 31 Civs at once

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  • abbamouse civ pack for PtW -- Play 31 Civs at once

    I'm not sure if this belongs more properly to the PtW or Creation forums, but I see a few scenario conversion questions/answers around here. In any case, people may want to know how to play 31 civs at once.

    I converted my earlier civpack for Civ III to PtW. This meant dropping seven of the original 14 civs (the ones that simply weren't as fun to play, or just didn't interest me as much as the ones I kept). The remaining new civs are:

    Nunavut (the Inuit) -- UU is kayak, an early naval explorer limited to carrying one foot unit (so no settlers or workers)
    Maya -- UU is holkanob, an early and cheap spearman (though I'd love to hear suggestions on this one)
    Incas -- UU is halberdier, a better-defending medieval infantry (this one's stats change a bit with each release)
    Sweden -- UU is infateri, a musketman-ish unit that can bombard like a catapult (very fun, but not overpowered)
    Mali -- UU is armored horseman, a horseman with better defense
    Ethiopia -- UU is liberation force, a mobile (all as roads) replacement for riflemen
    Polynesia -- UU is voyager canoe, a fast oceangoing vessel that can only carry one unit (great for post-Astronomy exploring and colonization, all but useless in war)

    Every unit has a reasonable animation (though the kayak is still using a coracle animation instead). Some pedia entries are unfinished. I opted to re-use leaderheads from other civs for the new ones, because even if I could find appropriate new leaderheads for each new civ, the animated ones make for huge downloads.

    Thanks to PtW, all you have to do is unzip the zip file into your Scenarios folder in your PtW folder -- none of your original files will be changed. So trying this out and giving me suggestions for improvement is a no-lose proposition 8

    The download is
    right here
    and if you want descriptions of the new civs go to my pages and
    over here -- just click the civs that are still in to see some info

    I changed a few units for the PtW version, but that's detailed in the README file (notably, the Incas' halberdier now replaces medieval infantry instead of pikemen).

    Last edited by abbamouse; November 5, 2002, 22:37.

  • #2

    hey, great idea!

    allthough i don't think you need sweden inside. we've got the vikings already and english, french, celts, vikings, germans and russians make everything quite tight in northern europe...

    i woundn't mind seeing something else instead... for example a slavic civ (e.g. polish, but they're very near too, or maybe ukranian), civ with a finno-ugric language see image:

    for asians maybe burmic, indonesian, vietnamese or thai...
    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


    • #3
      In principle, I agree with you. I started with my civpack for Civ III, which had 14 new civs including ones like the Javanese, the Harappans, and the Hittites. I ended up dropping many of these civilizations from the PtW pack because I had to cut the number down to 7. Instead of geography, etc as the criterion, I simply kept the 7 civs out of my original 14 that seemd the most fun to play. So Sweden is in because it has a fun UU, the Infanteri. Java is out because I never was able to make its UU, the Lotus Formation, anything fun to play with. Now that I've done this conversion, I may play around with some of the civs and even change one or two for geographic diversity -- if the chenges make the game more fun (an admittedly subjective standard). I only wish we could have an unlimited number of civs in the game -- even if we can only play against a subset of them at any one time.



      • #4
        that's good reasoning

        i though you wanted to do a world map with 31 civs. if so, you'd need a better geographical spread. but if it's just about gameplay generally, your civs are perfectly fine

        btw: i've been proposing the inuit and the mayans in a few threads - i like that choice. who knows, if the inuit had arisen in a climatically better region they could be a lot more powerful today

        have a nice weekend!
        - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
        - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

