Wow! Based on what I've read here so far, it sounds like there are a lot of outstanding issues regarding this upgrade. I just bought PTW and I haven't installed it yet, primarily because I haven't played Civ3 in many, many months and wanted to first re-familiarize myself with the game before diving into MP. I hope that what I've read here is not an indication of what I'll have to contend with when I take the plunge.
I think it's important, however, to bear in mind that Civ3 (1.07f) also contained numerous bugs and lingering imperfections when it was first released last year. To their credit, Firaxis has, over the past year, been very responsive in periodically churning out patches to deal with those lingering issues. Let's hope they do the same for PTW as well.

I think it's important, however, to bear in mind that Civ3 (1.07f) also contained numerous bugs and lingering imperfections when it was first released last year. To their credit, Firaxis has, over the past year, been very responsive in periodically churning out patches to deal with those lingering issues. Let's hope they do the same for PTW as well.