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PTW 1.04f Bug & Crash Reports

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  • #61
    Game won't launch

    Okay- i've been at this for two days now.

    AMD 1.7Ghz
    128 MBRam
    Windows ME
    1.04f installed

    Same problem as a couple you have already posted: Upon launch one of two things will happen- I either get kicked out to the desktop, or the screen goes black after the movie (music still plays, and when i click around, I hear it responding, but the screen is black).

    It worked without problems twice in 50 attempts over the past two days. Not the best track record, and VERY frustrating. I've made all the modifications recommended on the infogrames support page in regards to resolution, acceleration, and virus scan, to no avail.

    Has anyone gotten around this problem? Is Inforgrames/Firaxis saying anything else about this? HELP!


    • #62
      Personally, I'm able to Host games quite well now, that is, my side never crashes (although many players never make it into the game). However, I've never ever been able to Join a game.

      Also, launching a game through GameSpy never works. This is unfortunate, because the GameSpy chat and setup screens are far superior to those available in PTW.

      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #63
        Re: Got the Original

        Originally posted by Jesp
        I just bought THE ORIGINAL this afternoon, so do not tell me that is the problem.

        I am in Moscow at the moment, and the game was released here a few days ago.
        So the priated version is in stores in Moscow? Great!

        That is very unfortunate for you Jesp, but what you have will never work right in all likelihood.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #64

          I opened a thread about Routers, Firewalls and Proxies

          Please check that out, especially the link to Gamespy Firewall Support. If that doesn't make you any wiser, please post your router type, manufacturer name and model number on that thread, and I'll try to figure it out.

          Any one else with problems connecting is of course also allowed


          Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


          • #65
            spinning disk

            I had the spinning CD icon problem when starting the game also, I removed and reinstalled CIV3/PTW but used my DVD player for the install and running the game. So far I have not had any problems starting or playing the game.


            • #66
              The editor crashes my computer every time I use it. Usually when I move from one tab to another. Sometimes when I click on a field.

              950MHz Athlon Thunderbird, 256RAM, Windows 98.


              • #67
                screen refresh

                Hello all. First post of mine here, got a bug report, don't think it's been covered yet, but would like to see if anyone is experiencing the same as I...

                I installed CivIII, followed by the 1.29f patch, followed by PTW, and finally the 1.04 patch. What happens is that once the game launches, the screen refreshed 4-6 times in a row, keeps steady for about 3 minutes, then refreshes again. This occurs regardless if I am in the game mode or main menu.
                I have not experienced this phenomona in any other game title.

                Monitor is a Dell P780 Trinitron, Radeon 9700 Pro vid card, AMD 2100+...

                I tried reinstalling the game several times, sometimes without the 1.29 patch for the origonal CivIII (If someone could tell me if the 1.29f patch is required or not still when installing PTW that would be great...) but I still experience the same ends up coming down to the fact that every few seconds the screen will be turning off and on while I play. Other than that, I have noticed no display problems or artifacts.
                Believing this to be a referesh issue of some sort, I installed Rage3D tweak to see if this would fix the issue. No such luck.
                I am using the latest Catalyst 2.3 (7.76) drivers...
                Has anyone else experienced any difficulties as such? I'm thinking this might be limited to the Radeon 9700 Pro since I was unable to find any topics on this subject so far. thanks for all your help...


                • #68
                  I haven't tried the MP yet, but in single player the Fkeys F1, F2 etc, you used too be able too just press them and it would take you too the next Fkey, but now I have too exit out each info screen and then press the next Fkey I want information on.

                  Example, I'm looking at demographics and I want too switch too the score screen I can't just press F8 from Demographics anymore, I have too X out then press F8, I don't know if that is a bug or not, but that's not the way it used too work on my original Civ3.

                  When Queing up build items, pressing Shift + clicking on the item you want in que, it would build times would change too show you how long it would take too produce the next item in que when it's build order begins, NOW it will sometimes just say 1 turn on everything, so your not sure what the build time is going too be till the current item is completed.

                  Those are the only 2 things in Single Player I have noticed, I think there was something else, but I can't remember it if it was anything at all.

                  I would like too know if the Fkey thing is just how they changed it or it's a bug.



                  • #69
                    The Fkeys work just as they did before for me; I can switch between them when I want. I'm not sure, but the queue works fine for me, too, I think.


                    • #70
                      Another concern (probably not a full-fledged "bug"): when giving a unit a command to attack, you don't get to see the results of the battle; after attacking, the screen automatically re-centers on the next unit that can move. This occurs regardless of whether you have "animate..." options on or off in the preferences. I'm pretty sure this is just an MP thing.

                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #71
                        I do not have any trouble with the keys.


                        • #72
                          As far as the Fkeys goes, I haven't seen it happen again since I first 2 games. I didn't reboot or reinstall, after noticed the problems, and finished the game, I posted on the MB here, then looked at the editor, then started a new game, and the problem never manifested again. Least I can use the Fkeys like normal civ3, hopefully that stays that way.



                          • #73
                            Glad to hear it.


                            • #74
                              Getting black screens all over (got the 1.04 patch). If not, it'll crash the moment I start a MP game.
                              Greatest moments in cat:


                              • #75

                                see this thread about some dramatic results I found when I uninstalled Gamespy.
                                Pentagenesis for Civ III
                                Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                                Pentagenesis Gallery

