Joseph Conrad (most famous for Heart of Darkness upon which the movie Apocalypse Now is based) was also Polish.
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next expansion pack - what civs do you want?
Don't give up Vic
I still stand by 7 picks
1. Hebrews
2. Inca
3. Dutch
4. Byzantines
other possible Firaxis picks
5. Songhai/Mali
6. Portugese
7. Khmer
I would add the Maya on there for sure (probably replacing Khmer or Portugese), but I just don't if Firaxis can make them unique enough from the Inca and Aztecs to include them.
I disagree that the hebrews are s shoe-in. They are popular, yes, but i think the impact on history should be considered first, and they are therefore not even close to getting in, at least for me.
The khmer should definatly be added, so should the mayas, the incas, the songhais/malis, the ethiopians, the timurids, the tibetans, and the polish as well.
Originally posted by monkspider
Don't give up Vic
I still stand by 7 picks
1. Hebrews
2. Inca
3. Dutch
4. Byzantines
other possible Firaxis picks
5. Songhai/Mali
6. Portugese
7. Khmer
I would add the Maya on there for sure (probably replacing Khmer or Portugese), but I just don't if Firaxis can make them unique enough from the Inca and Aztecs to include them.Here they are, in order from most important to least important:
1. Incans
2. Dutch
3. Hebrews
4. Ethiopians
5. W. African Civ (TBD)
6. Portuguese
7. Mayans
hebrews make my list - i mean founders of judaism from which sprang christianity and islam, accounting for the faiths of probably over half the world? plus, if we took all the famous and civilization contributing jews from all history, they would probably outshine anyone else. part of the game is the "what if" aspect of course, impossible to say how many of these brilliant jews would have been so illustrious without the dispersion and all it entailed, but, crap, these guys managed to maintain their cultural/ethinic identity for almost 2000 years despite not having a nation of their own, despite (and perhaps because of) nearly constant persecution (hell, i'd have convertd to whatever the accepted religion was!) and finally to return to the world scene against all odds and reemerge the way they did. talk about the settler on a galley! lol
portuguese - well, they made brazil. they established trading posts worldwide, two of which did not cease til mid 20th century, goa and macao. colonized angola and mozambique, circumnavigated the world, etc.
dutch - northern european version of portuguese in many ways, just got ganked by the english who copied them and survived as a result of geography and size.
mali/songhai - need another african civ. plus, if you check this much overlooked chapter of history, you find they were pretty impressive, with a wide spanning trade/caravan empire that could put into field an army ten times as large as any contemporary european power, possibly sent a fleet off to the new world (ever seen those strangely african monolithic heads in central america?), etc...
incas - oh could you have chosen ottomans and not incas? really! south american space filler aside, there was so much more.......
Khmer/indochina - no insult intended, but the main point i make for these guys is the space filler hypothesis. need another asian civ and its the best choice in my opinion
polynesia - i just think they are so cool. also something of a space filler, but these guys did some amazing things in terms of expansion. fascinating what ifs there if they could have had a bit more land to work with. would love to see a galley type outrigger UU also
Hate to nix poles, but despite their size and achievements, well, just can't fit 'em. also hate to not have mayas, but aztecs fill in that space. as far as crowding western europe, well, nothing is perfect and i think you have to look at things like worldwide historical impact and i find it hard to discout holland and portugal in this area......"Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.
i like ibble blibble
Marie Curie was known for her work in France, at the Sorbonne and the University of Paris. Since she married a Frenchman, I assume she also became a French citizen.
We have to be careful with which countries we associate certain people. Associating Curie with Poland is kind of like associating Thomas Jefferson with Great Britain."I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!