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What changes will you make to PtW?

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  • #16
    I will change

    Vikings: Militaristic/Commercial
    Turks: Expansionist/Religious
    Spanish: Expansionist/Religious
    Carthage: Commercial/Scientific
    Arabs: Religious/Commercial
    Celts: Militaristic/Religious
    Mongols: Militaristic/Expansionist
    Koreans: Scientific/Religious

    Med Inf to 5/2/1 50 shields
    Guerilla to something like 8/4/1 80 shields (unrealistic i know, but...)

    Viking Raider to be Med Inf 5/3/1, Amphibious
    Gallic Swordsman to be Med Inf 5/2/2
    Mongol Keshik to be Knight 4/3/2 60 shields, No Iron
    Korean Hwachta to be cannon 0(10)/0/1, Lethal Bombard, No Iron
    Spanish UU to be Tercio, Pikeman 1/3/2
    Turkish UU to be Janissary, Rifleman 4/6/2
    Arab UU to be Mameluke, Knight 5/3/2 No Horses
    Carthaginian UU to be Numidian Cavalry, 2/2/2 Horseman.


    • #17
      I will proberbly only change the things I have changed now (Since I believe ptw will just "forget" my changes):

      - Making almost everything upgradeable (So I wont be able to build the legion in 2050 A.D. etc.)

      - And a few other minor things...

      And then I'll be hoping someone will remake the modern era (There's one around now, but I doubt it will be useable, the way it is now)...
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #18
        At least most of us here believe the Turks civ specific abilities are totally wrong. That is also the first thing I am going to change as well.


        • #19
          i'll change the koreans to religious/scientific OR religious/militaristic, i'll change the leader to Sejong, and their UU to the turtleboat. Not sure about other changes yet. Maybe the leader of the arabs to Saladin.
          "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


          • #20
            If 31 civs will be supported then I won't be deleting anyone but if I do have to delete someone then the Arabs will be the first to go. Does anyone know if we will be able to change railroads so they don't have unlimited movement? Having unlimited movement just seems to ruin the strategic part of the late game.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #21
              Originally posted by dnassman
              At least most of us here believe the Turks civ specific abilities are totally wrong. That is also the first thing I am going to change as well.
              ...and the spanish seem to be on the 2nd place, with a lot of people planning to change their abilities to Expansionist/Religious.
              "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
              --George Bernard Shaw
              A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
              --Woody Allen


              • #22
                I will make the following changes:

                Turks: Militaristic/Expansionistic
                Vikings: Militaristic/Commercial
                Spanish: Expansionistic/Religious

                Turkish UU to Janissary, 2/4/1, cheaper Musketman
                Spanish UU to Tercio, 2/3/1, replaces Pikeman
                Arab UU to Mameluke, 5/3/2, replaces Knight

                I will most likely leave the rest unchanged.


                • #23
                  I'll start by saying that this is the MAJOR area in which Civ3 kicks butt over civ2, and that is in it's ability to be modded to the extreme!! (Except for RR and other terrain improvements-which I hope they'll change-SOON!!)
                  As for me, though, I'd remove the Turks and the Americans before I remove the Arabs! I like to change all my Civ's to ones that existed around 3000-4000 B.C, such as the Assyrians, the Hebrews and the like (Though that mostly applies to Real World Maps).
                  One thing I haven't tried in any major way, though, is to add new techs-I was once told that 11 new techs was "all she wrote", so to speak. Does anyone know if this situation has changed (or if it was even ever true!)



                  • #24
                    I have word from Mike B. that we will be able to play with 31 civs at one time. Here is the email I received from him.

                    "The default number of civs in the single-player game will not be changed in
                    PTW. Thus, you can have 4, 6, 8, 12, or 16 civs (including the human
                    player), depending on world size. Using the editor, you can increase the
                    number of civs allowed on any world size to 31 (including the human player).
                    For multiplayer, we are still working on determining the max. civs allowed
                    but it will be no more than 8. Note that the barbarians are not taken into
                    account in any of the above statements; if you consider the barbarians a
                    civ, then add 1 to each of the previous numbers.

                    Mike Breitkreutz
                    FIRAXIS Games

                    ----- Original Message -----
                    From: "Richard Jensen"
                    Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 1:56 PM
                    Subject: How many civs at one time?

                    > Mike,
                    > Hi, an avid civer here, just wondering if you could clear something up for
                    > me. In PTW, how many civs can be played at the same time. I thought you,
                    > somebody at Firaxis, had said that we would be able to play against 31
                    > civs, though you questioned how fun that would be, but most comments on
                    > board seem to be under the impression that 31 civs can be played at once,
                    > the player civ being one of thirty-one. So is it 31+the player=32 or 31
                    > total? Thanks for any info on that.
                    > **** Jensen"
                    Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
                    or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
                    For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.


                    • #25
                      For Civs I think they could do they with another African nation, Are the Carthagians in? Hannibal devastated Rome - so they more than deserve a place in history A good excuse to give them indian like war elephant UU's. OR possibly Nigeria. Turkey should be in.

                      I would make a better event scenario system.. I haven't even heard if its in and doubt it'll be suitable.

