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  • #16
    A MUST HAVE we could get is the ingame ability to make units disapear from the potential things to build when we want it to.

    I hate having to scroll down to build a battleship when the game still offers ironclads and other crappy boats.


    • #17
      I think the diplomacy needs to be improved. In SMAC we had a council, environmental pacts and so on. Of course it should be better than SMAC!
      Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

      The new iPod nano: nano


      • #18
        Well, I chose the editor, but only by a close margin, over more diplomacy! I have to say, though, that it was a tough decision!
        I really chose the editor because I still want a little more felxibility in designing new units and buildings-such as building prerequisites for units, and improvement obsolesence (and mixed flags for all buildings).
        I also want the abiltity to script events and set diplomatic stances in the game for scenarios!
        I must say that I definitely want greater options for diplomacy in PtW, not to mention Civil Wars!!

        Anyway, there you have it!



        • #19
          I'd like more diplomacy too, but I think a better editor is the one thing that stands a chance to being included. With that anything could be possible, if they do it right.
          If there were events you could make civil wars through using IF and THEN scripts based on the conditions you want.
          You sunk my Scrableship!


          • #20
            [SIZE=1] Originally posted by althena1 [/SIZE
            I hate having to scroll down to build a battleship when the game still offers ironclads and other crappy boats.
            Problem solved to this one: use the editor. I never play the single player campaign anymore, too horrible. I always make my own games, adjusting different things here and there. And one of the things I always do is make sure there are no useless units from the medievel age in the modern era. I just them upgrade to the modern units, even though sometimes they don't make much sense (I have the cavalry upgrade to tanks, for example).
            It's not that I don't like civ2, it's that I like civ3 more...I think.


            • #21
              You're right A_J that, if they have an event editor, and if it is robust enough, then you should be able to script for things like Civil Wars within the editor! I, for one, would have no problem doing the work, so long as they gave me the tools!! I'd even be tempted to post it here as a mod!
              The other thing I'd script for is a Dark Age to balance off the Golden Age! i.e, if you loose your capital or if you loose about 3/4 of your cities (as an example), then you loose production or techs or something! Again, I don't mind doing the extra work myself, so long as I have the right tools!
              Anyway, I sit here with baited breath and fingers crossed.



              • #22
                I thought diplomacy was going to be slightly improved in PTW? I didn't think new options and things were going to be added but I thought the AI was suppose to be better at negotiating, etc.


                • #23
                  The AI better be smarter in PTW. back before civ3 came out, the number one thing we apolytonians wanted from civ3 was a good, smart AI to play against.
                  It's not that I don't like civ2, it's that I like civ3 more...I think.


                  • #24
                    i want more diplomacy, for human players.

                    i should be able to sell tanks to a friend, rather than give him the techs / resources to build them. that way i could control his army
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mr. Schwang
                      The AI better be smarter in PTW. back before civ3 came out, the number one thing we apolytonians wanted from civ3 was a good, smart AI to play against.
                      Yeah, it annoys me that the main (only!?) difference between difficulty levels is how much the AI can cheat.
                      May reason keep you,

                      Blue Moose


                      • #26
                        I voted for more diplomacy options, but I'd also like a better combat system, most likely based on percentages. For example, a Tank has an 80% chance of beating a rifleman regimen, Infantry has 30% chance of destroying Tanks..etc.etc..

                        Or at least, a rip-off CTP2-style combat system. I love CTP2 for that(that and all the great mods!)


                        • #27
                          FIRAXIS - why not a turn counter?

                          So much of civ3 is based on taking X number of turns, NOT YEARS, for MPP, Peace, trades,
                          etc. Why can't we have at least one screen that tells us what turn we are on. Ideal would be to have that information visibile from map, but anywhere is better than nothing.

                          I hate always contacting a civ and checking active agreements to see how many turns are left. What a waste of game time!! Give me the
                          turn count upfront. With variable years/turn too often I miss count by one turn.

                          Is this too much to ask? It is so simple and would make game play so much easier.



                          • #28
                            Better Diplomacy and to be able to still discover empty continents to settle after the first age (not realistic to expect I'm affraid)
                            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


                            • #29
                              Re: FIRAXIS - why not a turn counter?

                              Originally posted by planetfall
                              I hate always contacting a civ and checking active agreements to see how many turns are left. What a waste of game time!! Give me the
                              turn count upfront. With variable years/turn too often I miss count by one turn.

                              Is this too much to ask? It is so simple and would make game play so much easier.

                              In PTW, that will be there.
                              Seemingly Benign
                              Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                              • #30
                                Re: Re: FIRAXIS - why not a turn counter?

                                Originally posted by WarpStorm


                                In PTW, that will be there.
                                Not quite, this just looks like a list of Active trades like we now get on F4, contact civ, list of running trades.

                                I am looking for something even simplier. What turn of the game is it? 100, 140, 198 or what? I would like to compare different games and have a simple tally sheet:

                                turns at war == XXX
                                turns not at war == ZZZ

                                And then compare results of high % warfare games versus lower warfare games.


