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What do you want most?

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  • What do you want most?

    Just out of curiosity, I am wondering what is the most important thing everyone wants from PTW?

    Mine personally is the editor. If Firaxis makes the editor what we all want it to be, then everything else won't matter...we can fix it all in the new editor.
    Improved Editor
    Better Diplomacy (More options)
    More realistic warfare/units.
    It's not that I don't like civ2, it's that I like civ3 more...I think.

  • #2
    Re: What do you want most?

    Originally posted by Mr. Schwang
    Just out of curiosity, I am wondering what is the most important thing everyone wants from PTW?

    Mine personally is the editor. If Firaxis makes the editor what we all want it to be, then everything else won't matter...we can fix it all in the new editor.
    That depends on how much Firaxis would improve the editor.

    I personally go for improved warfare...I get odd results eveyr time I fight a war that I just dont fight wars anymore.

    Second would be editor though.
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #3
      there are a few things you can do if you don't like civ3 combat. Change the amount of hitpoints a unit has is 1.

      there are a few others too.
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        I want a better editor too, especially one geared towards scenarios. what would be nice if firaxis actually put in a lot of the new things people want but made them an option in the editor. that way you could have a different, more accurate combat system.
        I really want scripts (which would allow almost anything you want: eg: privateer (player X) sinks ship ANY, then player X +gold 50) but apparently there won;t be any.
        You sunk my Scrableship!


        • #5
          Yes, scripting would probably improve the game/editor/scenarios more than anything.
          It's not that I don't like civ2, it's that I like civ3 more...I think.


          • #6
            Sadly, from what has been said about PTW, we won't be seeing any of these in the expansion.
            May reason keep you,

            Blue Moose


            • #7
              I voted Better Diplomacy, but I don't really care about more options, I just want the AI to be better, cuz I really hate the AIs trading:

              AI Wants:
              World map
              500 gold
              70 gpt

              We want:
              World Map
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #8
                Originally posted by ADG
                I voted Better Diplomacy, but I don't really care about more options, I just want the AI to be better, cuz I really hate the AIs trading:

                AI Wants:
                World map
                500 gold
                70 gpt

                We want:
                World Map
                I have gotten soo many ridiculous demands....I wanted a MPP with the AI (it was pretty one sided...Being the sole superpower i was capable of defeating anyone in the out of my for others, I decided to offer the weak Americans a MPP) and what did they want? something along the lines of my world map, 22,000 gold, 5 gold per turn, all the medieval advances he could get (i was in modern, he was in medieval)....It was ridiculous.

                Needless to say, I rejected. Then the forces of evil chinese maoists captured washington, I destroyed the evil chinese maoists.....and the entire world (Russia and Egypt) was at peace yet again

                Anyway...yeah, better diplomacy is a must. Making deals with the Ai is so...frustrating sometimes. Although I still want a better COMBAT systemas opposed to this, thats just me
                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                • #9
                  I voted for more realistic Warfare.

                  I´d like to see a more complex System of Warfare in Civ 3, such as it was implemented in CTP 2.

                  I think, a Combination of CTP 2 and Civ 3 ans SMAC would rock.
                  Take from Civ 3 the Ressource and Luxury-System, the breakdown of Wonders in Small Wonders (which everyone can build) and Great Wonders (which only one Civ can build), the cultural Borders and of course the strong AI.
                  Take from CTP 2 the Warfare System and the Public Works

                  and take from SMAC the Society Models and the Diplomacy.

                  and expand the Tech Tree so that it covers the Futeure, such as in CTP 2.

                  and you´d have a game, I would love

                  (oh and btw. make the damned Manhattan Project a small wonder )
                  Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                  Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                  • #10
                    I really agree that the CTP2 concept of warfare is superior to that of Civ3, the principle of armies and so on. I think Civ3 do not dare to copy direct, so we ended up with the Army unit we have now... which I think is still insufficient. Artilleries, flankers and forwards all fight differently and need to be taken into account.
                    Heroes only rise from the ashes of destruction.


                    • #11
                      Armies are cool, but I never use much strategy in making them, just load them up with my veteran and elite modern armour. Would be nice if an Army group was something that encompassed artillery, defenders and attackers.
                      You sunk my Scrableship!


                      • #12
                        Not enough options.
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                        • #13
                          The editor must be, at least, as good and complete as the one from Civ II MPGE.
                          «… Santander, al marchar te diré, guarda mi corazón, que por él volveré ». // Awarded with the Silver Fleece Medal SEP/OCT 2003 by "The Spanish Civilization Site" Spanish Heroes: "Blas de Lezo Bio" "Luis Vicente de Velasco Bio" "Andrés de Urdaneta Bio" "Don Juan de Austria Bio"


                          • #14
                            The game is basicly a war game for a good half of it, let's have better war and units!
                            Vini, Vidi, Poluti.


                            • #15
                              A better AI is what i would like.

                              An AI with war strategies different from simply "send all units to x city".

                              Also the creation of "coalitions" would be nice.

                              Imagine if a sole superpower is bullying everyone and nation (AI or you) could create a "coalition" against the aggression of some nation(s).

                              Because right now it is stupid how the... chinese can be at war with japan, the germans against japan, and yet the germans and chinese fight each other as well... stupid stupid.

