Originally posted by des-esseintes
Make the Replay more interesting!
No offense Firaxis, but the "replay" at the end of the game sucks! I remember in Civ 1 where it would at least say stuff like "Babylon builds first Cannon" or "Rome discovers Writing" or something. In Civ3 the replay is reduced to a mere representation of Territory. This just sucks.
What would really please me though, would be to see a "real" replay function. As in, watch the entire game, from the standard playing view, in the perspective of any of the civs involved. You can access every city, look at everyone's tech status, look at their military... etc, etc, turn by turn as the game unfolds. Probably sounds tedious to you ppl, but for freaks like me its just totally neat
Make the Replay more interesting!
No offense Firaxis, but the "replay" at the end of the game sucks! I remember in Civ 1 where it would at least say stuff like "Babylon builds first Cannon" or "Rome discovers Writing" or something. In Civ3 the replay is reduced to a mere representation of Territory. This just sucks.
What would really please me though, would be to see a "real" replay function. As in, watch the entire game, from the standard playing view, in the perspective of any of the civs involved. You can access every city, look at everyone's tech status, look at their military... etc, etc, turn by turn as the game unfolds. Probably sounds tedious to you ppl, but for freaks like me its just totally neat

I also would like to be able to save the replay.