Suggestions for corruption & waste
Excellent ideas Sonic & Brambojr, I've been thinking along the same lines as well.
Here is my 2-cents worth of wishes for PtW:
- Corruption and waste should be separate and adjustable in scenarios/editor. e.g. court reduces waste, police station reduces corruption or something.
- Waste and corruption should decrease from 'Ancient Times' to 'Modern Times'. The easiest way to implement a form of this may be to increase the optimum number of cities in each age. This number is increased 25% (v1.29F) if a civilization has the 'Commercial' trait so how about increasing it 10% upon entering each new age (30% total in Modern Times) (or 12.5%, 25%, 37.5% (75% total) or whatever). This would not decrease distance waste/corruption, but it would decrease corruption/waste due to more than optimum number of cities.
- There should be some kind of Governor's Mansion improvement that you can build for every multiple of the number of cities that gives you the Forbidden Palace. It would not reduce distance waste/corruption to the same extent as a capitol of FP. (Long aside: On a huge map if you send an early settler off so far that distance corruption reduces shield production to 1 even at pop 12, start the FP as soon as allowed, research communism to finish it before the end of the game, you will suddenly find that you have twice optimal number of cities with reasonable production. The other option is to move your capital, but the goal is the further apart the FP and the capitol are the more functional cities you get).
- The quick alternative to a Governor's mansion is a second FP small wonder in modern times.

Here is my 2-cents worth of wishes for PtW:
- Corruption and waste should be separate and adjustable in scenarios/editor. e.g. court reduces waste, police station reduces corruption or something.
- Waste and corruption should decrease from 'Ancient Times' to 'Modern Times'. The easiest way to implement a form of this may be to increase the optimum number of cities in each age. This number is increased 25% (v1.29F) if a civilization has the 'Commercial' trait so how about increasing it 10% upon entering each new age (30% total in Modern Times) (or 12.5%, 25%, 37.5% (75% total) or whatever). This would not decrease distance waste/corruption, but it would decrease corruption/waste due to more than optimum number of cities.
- There should be some kind of Governor's Mansion improvement that you can build for every multiple of the number of cities that gives you the Forbidden Palace. It would not reduce distance waste/corruption to the same extent as a capitol of FP. (Long aside: On a huge map if you send an early settler off so far that distance corruption reduces shield production to 1 even at pop 12, start the FP as soon as allowed, research communism to finish it before the end of the game, you will suddenly find that you have twice optimal number of cities with reasonable production. The other option is to move your capital, but the goal is the further apart the FP and the capitol are the more functional cities you get).
- The quick alternative to a Governor's mansion is a second FP small wonder in modern times.
