Well it looks like there will be some new units (other than UUs) in Play the World and I have an idea for what I think is a good one:
A droid unit with similar A/D/M to infantry but with the bonus of having no effect on war weariness. Obviously, we don't want a panacea weapon that would allow unfettered warmongering under democracy which is why the unit should be defensive. Such a weapon would allow you to: hold your borders, establish a presence in enemy territory, pillage enemy infastructure, disrupt resource/luxury supply, and kidnap workers. Also, the AI would naturally engage the droids thereby giving us the opportunity to exact an attrition cost on the enemy army.
Much of the war weariness in Civ3 comes from having your troops in enemy territory. It seems logical that your citizens would be less concerned about your droids conducting "police operations" in enemy territory than they would be about seeing flag draped coffins come home. It's also logical that the droids be defensive as I am willing to argue that the first robot warriors will be better defenders than attacks - defense is usually easier: Hold a position, when see enemy, destroy enemy.
Interstingly, the droid would probably be quite compatible with Vel's "defend your enemy to death" strat. Advance a line of droids into enemy territory, killing enemy attackers as they come. Continue to move your "line of control" forward (without taking the enemy cities, as this requires offensive units). When you have "seized" the territory you require move in the attackers, take enemy cities, and force the AI to pay for peace.
I imagine the droid could be better than infantry but not as good as mech infantry (there has to be an advantage to having men on the ground).
A/D/M: 8-10-1
requires: robotics
cost: 120
resources: oil, rubber, aluminum
A droid unit with similar A/D/M to infantry but with the bonus of having no effect on war weariness. Obviously, we don't want a panacea weapon that would allow unfettered warmongering under democracy which is why the unit should be defensive. Such a weapon would allow you to: hold your borders, establish a presence in enemy territory, pillage enemy infastructure, disrupt resource/luxury supply, and kidnap workers. Also, the AI would naturally engage the droids thereby giving us the opportunity to exact an attrition cost on the enemy army.
Much of the war weariness in Civ3 comes from having your troops in enemy territory. It seems logical that your citizens would be less concerned about your droids conducting "police operations" in enemy territory than they would be about seeing flag draped coffins come home. It's also logical that the droids be defensive as I am willing to argue that the first robot warriors will be better defenders than attacks - defense is usually easier: Hold a position, when see enemy, destroy enemy.
Interstingly, the droid would probably be quite compatible with Vel's "defend your enemy to death" strat. Advance a line of droids into enemy territory, killing enemy attackers as they come. Continue to move your "line of control" forward (without taking the enemy cities, as this requires offensive units). When you have "seized" the territory you require move in the attackers, take enemy cities, and force the AI to pay for peace.
I imagine the droid could be better than infantry but not as good as mech infantry (there has to be an advantage to having men on the ground).
A/D/M: 8-10-1
requires: robotics
cost: 120
resources: oil, rubber, aluminum