Trip, here it is:
That's it, from the chat with Firaxis. There's that Light Cav, and they also commented on Keshik...
[monkspider] Firaxis: Can you comment on what unit the Spanish Conquistador is based on
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Monk: Jinetes..They would have been called jinetes but the spanish version of the game used that name for cavalry. They're light cavalry.
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Fast cavalry...yes.
[Trip] Firaxis: How is the Conquistidor different from regular cavalry (other than having a lower attack rating)?
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Trip: those stats will no doubt change in testing.
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Monk: Jinetes..They would have been called jinetes but the spanish version of the game used that name for cavalry. They're light cavalry.
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Fast cavalry...yes.
[Trip] Firaxis: How is the Conquistidor different from regular cavalry (other than having a lower attack rating)?
[JeffreyMorrisFIRAXIS] Trip: those stats will no doubt change in testing.
That's it, from the chat with Firaxis. There's that Light Cav, and they also commented on Keshik...