id like to see more graphic improvements like:
-new terrain/city/resource format that would support animation.
-more city animations like the ones we have now ( smoke when there in disorder, and firework when ppl happy..)
-more unit/cities/resource graphic packs...
-maybe a unit creation tool that will let us to define/create new units from scratch..
-more more more eye candy!!! (for examp-" Disciples II" ).
-having the king unit (that is planed to be in multiply) in singleplay would be nice to!
-airplane ideal animation-please make them move up and down a bit like they are actually floating in the air above the city!
-spy unit-please please please.......
other things i would like to see are:
privateers are kinda worthless in the current format so maybe adding more options will make them much more interesting and worthy to build:
-attack harbor (in cities that has harbors)-if attack success ill earn x amount of gold/resources/ship,and if attack fails ill loose my ship or get x amount of damage.
-when attacking ship ill take loot of gold/resources or even take over on that ship.
-smuggle resource/gold/units-the option to create a black market trade network with privateers,some of the corruption exists in other civs will be due this privateer activity.
if a privateer harbors in other civ's city with marketplace, it would have the option of "smuggle" if succeed ill get x amount of gold/resource/units
if failed ill loose the ship+x amount of gold/resource/unit.
misc things that would be nice to have-
a "take note" option- i would love to have the option to pop up a note on the screen while playing , and when loading save game i will be able to go straight to business after reading my thoughts/strategies on that note.
-trade units for other units or for gold/resource!
-new terrain/city/resource format that would support animation.
-more city animations like the ones we have now ( smoke when there in disorder, and firework when ppl happy..)
-more unit/cities/resource graphic packs...
-maybe a unit creation tool that will let us to define/create new units from scratch..
-more more more eye candy!!! (for examp-" Disciples II" ).
-having the king unit (that is planed to be in multiply) in singleplay would be nice to!
-airplane ideal animation-please make them move up and down a bit like they are actually floating in the air above the city!
-spy unit-please please please.......
other things i would like to see are:
privateers are kinda worthless in the current format so maybe adding more options will make them much more interesting and worthy to build:
-attack harbor (in cities that has harbors)-if attack success ill earn x amount of gold/resources/ship,and if attack fails ill loose my ship or get x amount of damage.
-when attacking ship ill take loot of gold/resources or even take over on that ship.
-smuggle resource/gold/units-the option to create a black market trade network with privateers,some of the corruption exists in other civs will be due this privateer activity.
if a privateer harbors in other civ's city with marketplace, it would have the option of "smuggle" if succeed ill get x amount of gold/resource/units
if failed ill loose the ship+x amount of gold/resource/unit.
misc things that would be nice to have-
a "take note" option- i would love to have the option to pop up a note on the screen while playing , and when loading save game i will be able to go straight to business after reading my thoughts/strategies on that note.
-trade units for other units or for gold/resource!