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Phoenix PBEM

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  • 500 to Egypt
    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


    • 500 to Greece

      "No Comment"


      • 510 to Egypt

        Any idea why this thread sometimes disappears completely from the forum? I had do dig out the last post notification from my trash file to get here.
        Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


        • 510ad sent to Greece

          Threads disappear when they just fall off the front page.
          There is a bug, that makes it not appear on the 2nd page.

          The way to fix it is by changing you settings to show more threads on the front page

          "No Comment"


          • 520 to Cleo

            I see Egypt continues to avoid misfortune with their attacking forces...
            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


            • Sent to Greece.

              You only see my first wave.
              I always have a unit of reserve Knights just out of sight.

              And I must say... I picked a damn good time for a second naval invasion... So many undefended cities to choose from.

              "No Comment"


              • I've noticed two new bugs I didn't know about these last couple turns. First, the way PBEM does worker actions and automoves is all mixed up. I've seen the greeks (just workers I think) moving around when I click save+exit on my turn. I knew about this before, but I just discovered that I am now unable to cancel worker actions and move them during my turn. I have no idea how many mounted units you had waiting in the flood plains, but this should have allowed me to throw a few slaves into your chariot wheels to slow down the advance on Pharsalos. I'm not sure if this would be unfair if everyone knew about it in advance. However, it's an undocumented change from single player and another nail in the Civ3PtW coffin.

                Also, the turn before you attacked, the ruins just north of Thessalonica were there, but had no road connecting south. I thought this was odd, but counted on it being a barrier to movement. This turn, It now shows as no ruins at all, just a clear road running through. None of my peices have gone near enough to reveal any changes, but the map is changing nonetheless. I know PtW had some major graphic bugs with all the new features, but this was supposedly fixed back with 1.14 or earlier.

                Is PtW supposed to get out of Beta testing before Conquests is released?

                In order to launch a second naval invasion, your ships will have to actually unload units on my shores...
                Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                • 530ad sent to Greece

                  Originally posted by Rommel2D
                  I've noticed two new bugs I didn't know about these last couple turns. First, the way PBEM does worker actions and automoves is all mixed up. I've seen the greeks (just workers I think) moving around when I click save+exit on my turn. I knew about this before, but I just discovered that I am now unable to cancel worker actions and move them during my turn. I have no idea how many mounted units you had waiting in the flood plains, but this should have allowed me to throw a few slaves into your chariot wheels to slow down the advance on Pharsalos. I'm not sure if this would be unfair if everyone knew about it in advance. However, it's an undocumented change from single player and another nail in the Civ3PtW coffin.
                  Hmm .. certainly seems stupid.
                  I dont automate my workers, so I dont have the same problem. I know it used to happen in single player as well. I have to activate each worker right at the start of the turn, or they would do their automated actions. If I missed them, I had to click on every one at the end of the turn. I got the message "this worker has already moved" but on the next turn, they were released from their automation.

                  As to you seeing actions after your turn... Yep..I knew about that one. Something to do with you being the last player in the round. No big deal I guess.

                  Originally posted by Rommel2D
                  Also, the turn before you attacked, the ruins just north of Thessalonica were there, but had no road connecting south. I thought this was odd, but counted on it being a barrier to movement. This turn, It now shows as no ruins at all, just a clear road running through. None of my peices have gone near enough to reveal any changes, but the map is changing nonetheless. I know PtW had some major graphic bugs with all the new features, but this was supposedly fixed back with 1.14 or earlier.
                  Hmmm .. I know what happened..because I did it.
                  The ruins were there when the evil greeks launched their offensive.
                  I pillaged the road before leaving so they could not attack my retreating army.
                  Thus...ruins with no road

                  On my recent offensive, I brought a few iroquoi slaves with me
                  I had units on the same tile as the workers & the ruins.
                  Workers rebuit the road first, then my units had a free run into the city.
                  When I built new roads...the ruins disappeared.

                  A bit of intelligence for you

                  Originally posted by Rommel2D
                  Is PtW supposed to get out of Beta testing before Conquests is released?
                  Agreed ... All buyers of PTW should get Conquests for free !

                  Originally posted by Rommel2D
                  In order to launch a second naval invasion, your ships will have to actually unload units on my shores...

                  More intelligence for you ...
                  I landed near Pharsalos... and saw the city was undefended. So risked a small attack from my units at Thessalonica to take the city.

                  No need to worry now though ... it is heavily defended

                  "No Comment"


                  • P.S. Your Greek pets seem to be running out of room.
                    "No Comment"


                    • I actually was talking about the goto function when I said automove above. I don't know about the Greek workers, but none of my workers were automated and I still couln't move them even though they were the first units I clicked on.

                      On my recent offensive, I brought a few iroquoi slaves with me I had units on the same tile as the workers & the ruins.
                      Workers rebuit the road first, then my units had a free run into the city.
                      When I built new roads...the ruins disappeared.
                      OK, that explains what I saw, but not why I saw it. None of my units were within range. This is a general glitch in Civ3; you can see some things (ie new cities) that shouldn't be updated, while most everything else (_usually_ improvements) you need to re-explore. I just received Greeces's map that turn and a barbarian hut niether of us should know about appeared in the middle of no-man's land also.

                      I don't know about a free copy, but a $5 rebate for conquests if you have :PtW allready would be reasonable.

                      Alexander has thrown himself onto my warriors' spears rather than risk mutilation and necrophy at the hands of the vile Egyptians. The final showdown is at hand...
                      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                      • He was going to die in 2 more turns anyway.

                        OK - This is going to be fun
                        "No Comment"


                        • Sent on
                          "No Comment"


                          • Turn sent while 'Poly was down...

                            (It'd be alot more fun if I weren't down a civ trait...)-:
                            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                            • Sent

                              I feel for you.
                              I dont care what people say...expansionist trait just sucks on PBEM.

                              I have the Iroquois in one PBEM... and I got 1 small tech lead with goodie huts... but lost that halfway through the first age.

                              I also have the arabs in another PBEM. Again, I got an early tech lead, but since we moved into the second age, the other players have embargoed me, and have now passed me in tech.

                              Like you said .. its like playing a 1 trait civ.

                              "No Comment"


                              • 560 sent, once again while Apolyton was inaccessable.

                                Compounding that it's expansionist, the geography of this game must have negated what little advantage it gave Jshelr. It also looks like he was on some bad peyote when he planted his cities...
                                Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

