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Strat Forum PBEM: Game 3

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dominae
    Nor Me, we usually play 3-4 turns per day, so you might need to get used to our fast pace!
    Not a problem.
    Originally posted by Dominae
    What does this mean, Nor Me?
    Just don't worry about it. Everything will be alright.

    From what I've seen the AU MP mod should not be too different to the standard one.
    I'd prefer continents but am happy with smallest landmass.


    • #17
      Welcome DaveMcW; since we're agreeing on playing a Huge map, there is definitely room for another.

      Edited first post again, to reflect new developments. If you wish to switch your civ preferences in response to the fact that we're playing a Huge map with Continents, now is a good time to do so.

      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #18
        I need everyone's opinion on some things:

        We now have 6 players. There are 5 cultural groups. Thus, two players will most likely be close to one another, while the others will be free to "exploit" their nearest AIs. I see this as being a problem.

        Possible solutions: 1) remove a player (DaveMcW was the last to sign up, although jshelr still has not confirmed his position yet), or 2) play on different map settings.

        I prefer the second option. The main idea with playing Continents was that we could not meet one another so quickly. On reflection, I do not see this as a problem. It would actually call for a game with far more strategy. In this case, it would also not be necessary to play a Huge map, which I think is impractical for PBEM; by the time we all meet each other, many of us will have quit this game already (a harsh reality).

        So, I'm for: 5 humans, 7 AIs, Pangea (as before).

        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


        • #19
          Since we are now 6, and there are only 5 cultural groups, we might have to trash the cultural linkage and have someone else take a look at the map to make it's even. (Otherwise the two people who pick the same group will know that they're near each other).

          Also, the first post says we'll use AU mod 1.15, which is the SP version. Let's use the AU MP mod v1.00 instead.

          One other thing. I'm going on a ski trip and won't have access to Civ from tomorrow morning until Monday evening. I'd prefer to play my turn, but if you want to start without me, go ahead. You can have the person who sets up the map play my turn.


          • #20
            X-posted with you, Dominae. I'm assuming you mean 6 humans, 6 AIs.

            I still like the continents idea, even if we play on a large map instead of huge. Just turn off cultural linkage so we don't know who starts next to whom.


            • #21
              I don't mind taking a European civ to even out the groups. But I guess I'll wait for jshelr to kick me out first.


              • #22
                Turning off cultural-linkage is another option. I think this is the best one, assuming we can find someone to generate the map for us and make sure everything is balanced (for instance, there's no way I'm starting next to bloodthirsty alexman or Sir Ralph!).

                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                • #23
                  I don't think we need to worry about fairness in this game. It will not be completely fair anyway, unless we make the map symmetric. The purpose of the AU is to see how much you can do with what you've got.

                  One more thing. If we play with cultural linkage off, my preferences become reversed:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Dominae
                    (for instance, there's no way I'm starting next to bloodthirsty alexman or Sir Ralph!).
                    If I was bloodthirsty, I would be the Aztecs and not the French. I'm being ganged up against and to sit in my hole like a rabbit and to wait till it pleases my enemies to attack me with their superior UUs is just not my style.


                    • #25
                      Sign me up please. How about China, unless I'm next to Ralph. Then I want to be Carthage or Greece.

                      I have not read the thread yet, but I've got no problem with six players if everyone can respond multiple times during a day

                      By the way, with a group this size, my recommendation would be to go all random and let the chips fall where they may. We are taking on a large committment of time and effort here. Good luck all.
                      Last edited by jshelr; January 18, 2003, 10:10.
                      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                      • #26
                        Edited the first post again. Everyone is signed up, and (presumably) ready to go. I want to stress that we should endeavour to play as many turns as possible in any given day (Strat PBEM game 1 is exemplary). I'm sure we all have RLs, but I'm just hoping for a certain level of commitment to this game.

                        Thanks for joining, and let's have fun!

                        I'm going to try and get BRC to set up this game for us; he did a pretty good job on AU203 (I'll ask him to reduce the "evil genius" factor on this one). We should be ready to go soon.


                        P.S: I'm surprised the only real warmonger civ among our first picks is China. Are we seeing a new trend in MP play?
                        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                        • #27
                          "I'm surprised the only real warmonger civ among our first picks is China."

                          I resemble that remark
                          Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                          • #28
                            Industrious is definitely the trait of choice.

                            Playing a "warmonger civ" makes diplomacy harder. Good luck jshelr.


                            • #29
                              Guys. Things are going good, except....

                              Aren't you only allowed to have 8 civs in MP games??

                              If this is true, you guys need to discuss settings again, or at least tell me to take out some of the AI's.

                              If this is false, someone please tell me how to get the game to allow 12 civs to play PBEM.



                              • #30
                                Quite right BRC. Here are the alternatives:

                                1. One game, 6 humans, 2 Deity AIs.

                                2. One game, 6 humans, no AI.

                                3. Two games, 3 humans, 3 Emperor AI in each.

                                4. Two games, 4 humans, 4 Emperor AI in each.

                                The last two options seem best to me, because the turns will go faster and alexman's idea remains intact (AIs and humans). Ideally we find 2 more players and implement number 4. What do you guys think?

                                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

