Looking to start an 8 player game in a couple of days, 1 or 2 turns a day. Hoping to have some fairly good role-playing and diplomacy as well. Post here,..first 7 who post with email and civ choice are in. Thanks.
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New Game, Large Map, 8 players
I'll take the Chinese.
Btw, I would suggest that you find a name for this game and advertise it in the "Open PBEM directory" (first thread in the Civ3-PBEM forum).
I'll take Carthage; my email is miccofl@miccofl.net.
Role-playing is cool but if I lose don't expect me to take Hannibal’s course of action. Besides, it makes such a mess.
Accelerated production or not?
Originally posted by Dissident
2 turns a day with 8 players? Hmm...
Another possibility is to agree on a time slot where everyone is online. This might not be possible if the time zones are spread out too much. For example, Shamus, are you really GMT or just didn't care to set your time zone?
Very flexible, so whatever the overall desire turn-wise is cool with me,...trying to avoid a 2 to 3 day turn around is all. Got me on the time zone,...didn't notice it was set to gmt,...I'm in Kansas,...-6 I think. Accelerated production unless it's totally blown out of the water by the majority (say 5 or 6 out of 8).
....reset the time zone...Last edited by shamus62; November 26, 2002, 23:52.an army of asses led by a lion will always defeat the army of lions led by an ass
Originally posted by Dissident
my time is screwed up as well. I'm PST.
And by the way, are you planning to dive into the turkey during this upcoming long weekend?I would be definitly up for an intensive session sometime between Nov 28 and Dec 1.
Would be willing to run for a couple hours tommorow afternoon to get through a good number of turns early....I see that the new patch is out, so hopefully that adds to things (please, everybody make sure you've picked it up before we start.)an army of asses led by a lion will always defeat the army of lions led by an ass
Originally posted by shamus62
Would be willing to run for a couple hours tommorow afternoon to get through a good number of turns early....I see that the new patch is out, so hopefully that adds to things (please, everybody make sure you've picked it up before we start.)
I also started to organize a PBEM game (Turkey PBEM) and I got a few candidates in other places (most notably at CivFanatics) who seem to have free time during the long weekend. And actually three or four of them are from the West Coast (good timing)! Would you want me to ask them if they want to join this game?
The more the merrier...would prefer a total of 8, all human if at all possible. If the guys over at CivFanatics are up for it, would welcome them playing in this one. We have 4 open slots I think, hope to send out the first turn sometime tommorow, so whatever we have we'll go with. Right now it looks like:
1.Shamus- sshafer@kc.rr.com Undecided
2.miccofl- miccofl@miccofl.net Carthage
3.Delmar-????????????????? Chinese
4.Dissedent- ICQ 43787419 Undecided?
5. Open
6. Open
7. Open
8. Openan army of asses led by a lion will always defeat the army of lions led by an ass
An online game
allow me to be slightly offtopic: a fellow civver is organizing an online (GameSpy-based) game and asked me to spread the word. Here it gos:
Start time 6:30PM PST
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Password: Epic10
Map Generation: Random
Difficulty: MONARCH
Civilization: Your Choice
World Size: Small
Five.............................................. ............SIX CIV'S TOTAL
Terrain: Archipelago 80% water
Climate: NORMAL
Barbarians: Raging
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any
Scenario Goals: Get on your horse and add some feathers to your cap.
Scoring: Ranked by victory condition, fastest finishers listed first.
One way or the other, this should be a fairly quick game. Good luck!
Note: This scenario originated at RealmBeyond and was created by
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
[Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]