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New Game, Large Map, 8 players

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  • #16
    yeah I should be able to do it.

    If possible- the best time for me to recieve the game Friday, Sat, Sun, and Monday would be before 10:00 AM PST. That would allow me to play the turn and get it off before I go to work. And I'd be able to play a turn when I get home about 11:00 PM PST. The other 3 days of the week I am off- and I generally have no life. . Just hiking, and some Neverwinter Nights multiplayer games.


    • #17
      Direct IP


      pls take a look at this and let me know if you are interested:


      Care for some gopher?

      Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


      • #18
        I would be interested to join this game. My timezone is GMT+1. I can play 2 turns a day, that would be somewhere around 7..8am GMT (2..3am Apolyton time) in the morning, and somewhere between 5pm..1am GMT (noon..8pm Apolyton time) in the evening. I should be either the first or the last in the turn order, if all others are Americans. And I can make it for an accelerated session during weekend at any time.

        About civ choice... what are the map settings?

        Ah, and my email is sirralph_at_gmx_dot_com.


        • #19
          Going to hold out for those last two slots til about 2pm. Would like to get the civs and contact information hashed out by then if possible also. The game settings are proposed as follows:

          Map Generation: Random
          Difficulty: MONARCH
          Civilization: Your Choice, I'll take whats left over
          World Size: Large
          Terrain: Anything but Pangea
          Climate: Random
          Barbarians: Random
          Rules: Standard
          Victory: Any

          So far we have the following people:
          1.Shamus- Undecided
          2.miccofl- Carthage
          3.Delmar-????????????????? Chinese
          4.Dissedent- ICQ 43787419 Undecided?
          5. Babylon
          6. Sir Ralph-sirralph_at_gmx_dot_com Undecided
          7. Open
          8. Open
          an army of asses led by a lion will always defeat the army of lions led by an ass


          • #20
            Ok. I take Egypt then.


            • #21
              Originally posted by shamus62
              The game settings are proposed as follows:
              Terrain: Anything but Pangea
              I guess this means that you will explicitly set the map type (and maybe the water percentage). I like the continents/70% setting.
              Care for some gopher?

              Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


              • #22

                Do we want to allow respawn of AI players (in case there will be any)? I would vote against it.

                Shamus, make sure you scroll down in the Game Rules window on the right when you set up the game, it's easy to miss the settings at the bottom.
                Care for some gopher?

                Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                • #23
                  So will we get this game running this weekend or not?


                  • #24
                    Excellent question...

                    I am in!

                    (Was looking for an occasion to use this smiley for weeks... )
                    Care for some gopher?

                    Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                    • #25
                      I sure was glad I bought those two movies last night. Hope nobody got bad bird yesterday...


                      • #26
                        hear hear, ralph! i agree... how many we got thus far?
                        I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                        [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by self biased
                          hear hear, ralph! i agree... how many we got thus far?
                          6 total, 4 active, so it seems.

                          Edit: I have to note that the mean reason for me to join was to try a game with 8 human players. Not sure I really want to join a 4 human/4 AI game as I am in one already...
                          Care for some gopher?

                          Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                          • #28
                            Well delmar, there's always your Turkey PBEM - sitting there unused


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by miccofl
                              Well delmar, there's always your Turkey PBEM - sitting there unused
                              Actually I am playing it with a guy from CivFanatics.

                              Only one though, not with 4-6 as I had hoped. Looks like it's not easy to find reliable people.
                              Care for some gopher?

                              Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                              • #30
                                miccofl: if you want to play so much why didn't you sign up for the Turkey PBEM? Just curious...
                                Care for some gopher?

                                Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!

