Originally posted by jshelr
We just want
1. Subs win when they attack
2. Subs don't move rapidly
3. If you find a sub before it gets you, sinking it is easy.
We just want
1. Subs win when they attack
2. Subs don't move rapidly
3. If you find a sub before it gets you, sinking it is easy.
1. Doesn't get hurt when it attacks.
2. Can sink unescorted cargo ship.
3. Can't easily sink escorted cargo ship (but has a chance to).
4. Easy to sink if you see it or if you accidentally run over it.
I am not insisting on having a "torpedo unit" (in fact I don't think we could have one given the current editor). The main reson for mentioning it is not realism, but balance: if we had one, the sub would have to go back to the harbor from time to time. You are right that every unit in Civ seems to have an implied supply line that provides it with ammo, so it is reasonable that the subs have inifinite torpedo supplies as well, I am just a bit worried that this might make them very strong.
You are also right that the animation shows the torpedoes when the sub attacks. I tried the bombardment version and the torpedoes are shown even when the sub "bombards" -- really cool!

Double your pleasure comes with PTW
but is very complicated, don't you think.
Have you tried to play it?