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PBEM for begiiners the Texan and the Aussie

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  • the ausseis will await any further russian offers...

    turn sent
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • After 108 sent.

      The Galley begins its Northern trek across the seas and back into the coastal areas where we spot an Aussie Swordsman supposedly heading North inspecting the dyes in the jungles near the Russians northeastern borders. The pair of Horsemen are lagging slightly behind the Galley moving along the coast towards the jungles and the Aussie Swordsman.

      Technology will be gained in a few turns and then we enter into the middle ages.


      • aussies navy still awaiting new laod in austrlaian port, northenr fleet completes its jounrey thoropugh viking land.
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • After turn 109 sent.

          Moving the forces northward towards the vikings lands.


          • will play again in mornuing work again tonight
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Sure just post and I will probably be around.


              • turn sent... updated maps sent to show location of new viking city and aussies crossing the mountains..

                swordsman approaching 2nd fleet.

                1st fleet now heading south....
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • After turn 110 sent.

                  Catapults approaching northern territories and the Horsemen are entering the jungles. A new galley will be ready in the north west to pick-up the stranded Scout and Warrior on the western isle and deliver them across the channel.

                  Code of Laws is one turn away so we should see what ech advance the Russians receive for the beginning of the Middle ages.

                  Need the 3 player resent.

                  If you are interested I found some cool opening screen background replacements at GI dustins site. One of Alexander the Great fighting Darius, another of a Caravel entering a bay, another of an Apache attack chopper, and one of the scene like the beginning of Gladiator when Russel Crowe is walking through the wheat fields. Cool stuff if your interested in something other than the PTW spaceship screen.


                  • 111 sent

                    first fleet comtinuing south to meet swordsmen

                    2nd fleet still awaiting to be laoded.

                    roads continue northwards to viking territory and new aussie colonies.
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • After turn 111 sent.

                      Currently the Russian Generals are advising that the Russian forces swing around to the northern areas starting with a landing in between Reykjavik and Oslo and then continue over the hills spliting the mountain passes at Stavenger. While the Russian are asssaulting from the sea and the open western plains areas bounded by the mountains southwest of Stavenger the Aussies will cross over the mountains from the south and attack Aarhus or land from the sea in between Aarhus and Copenhagen and link up with the Russians to assault Trondheim together wiping out the Vikings and splitting the spoils.

                      The free advance for entering the Middle Ages was Monotheism so because the Aussies earlier mentioned they were worhsiping one God and were currently researching Fuedalism the Russian scientists decided to research Engineering instead.


                      • good idea for the russians scientists...

                        112 sent ...

                        aussie warrior slowly retreating from viking area to meet up with aussie swordsmen advancing from south..

                        1st fleet still sailing southwards..

                        2nd fleet needs one more swordsman before startign journey north !!

                        Roads linking all aussie citys is continuing

                        new aussie citys to be founded near northern mountains .....

                        lost settler from many many eons ago found (was moving on auto and i forgot him )
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • After turn 112 sent.

                          The new Galley in the west is complete and moving to ferry the Warrior and Scout across the channel. Lets hope this will make contact with another civilization.


                          • moved my warriors around a bit.

                            PErsians beat me to build my lovely pyramids, the aussie engineer of the project has been sent into exile and replaced with a new leader to build a new wonder....

                            roads almost complete linking all aussie citys, this will speed up the progress of moving troops around..

                            mnay eons until next discovery..
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • After turn 113 sent.

                              The Viking scouts near the jungle rivers to the east of the current Russian settlements looked very worried as they watched the string of Horsemen ride into view. One of them began to try to find a place back into the jungles to possably run to and escape the on rushing Horsemen as they galloped towards him at it seemed like an ever increasing speed.

                              The Viking scouts could hear the jingling of what could only be the sword scabbards of the Horsemen bouncing against the creaking leather of the saddle and its various straps buckles. As the Horsemen drew nearer and nearer the Viking scouts closed their eyes and screamed out a plea to Odin for him to appear on his own stallion and strike down the would be enemies of the Viking peoples.

                              One of the Russian Horsemen as they passed swiftly by the obviously crazed or drunken Vikings scouts and looked puzzlingly at each other and smiled at the obviously absolute terror stricken Viking scouts as they continued past never breaking stride and into the jungles beyond. The Horsemen chuckled to himself and looked over at his riding companions and said, 'Not yet my Viking friend. Not quit yet...but very soon I promise you will meet your Odin. Until then pray harder to what ever other Gods you serve that cannot save you from the wrath that you will feel at the tip of my spear. Pray harder still for your homeland that is far behind you now and will never be the same as it was when you left it behind before coming here. Remeber well for these memories will be the only things left of the Viking peoples.'


                              • In the jungles of southern Viking territroy the Australian Brigades of swordsmen gathered, their leaders Captain Morant and Captain Bell, were discussing the tactics of the next few days. So far they had advanced with no sigihting of the vikings, they had silently crept into southern areas of viking territory with out raising the alarm. They knew not why the australian leadership back in Raz HQ were sending them northwards. They wondered what the vikings had done that was so bad that needed the whole australian swordsmen brigades sent at furious pace over the mountains.

                                They had heard rumours of similar movements of russian horsemen but had not seen them either. They also heard rumours of more swordsmen being shipped in along the cost. This was all way too big for them. They didnt see the big picture, all they knew was they were to position themselves outside certain viking citys and they had to get there ASAP. So this small break for vituals was all their troops would get, already they had been travelling for centuries to reach the palce they now were. Luckily aussies were of long life.

                                They trusted the leadership and knew if worse came to worse that the soldeirs under their comamnd would fight gloriously, having all been trained in the barracks of Raz HQ.

                                Tonight they sleep, tomorrow they continued their duble paced march towrads The vikings.
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

