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Naval PBEM - Turn Thread 3

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  • 760 AD to ormuzd.


    • I have to find a replacement player or someone can just "retire" my civ from the game. More details here.


      • 760AD to ADG

        It must reinstall if it worked before and nothing has changed.


        • Sent
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • I have received and played the turn. I will hold it until we hear from Ghengis or a replacement.
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • ok
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • I post this info in two of my PBEM threads, to get maximum attention:

                My computer broke this morning. I'm posting this from work. It just switched off whilst running, without any reason, and doesn't switch on anymore. My bet is the power supply. If so, I will try and repair it within the next 2 days. If not (which would mean it's the mainboard), it will last longer, because then I have to buy/build a new box (I won't invest in a new board for this 2 years old one) and I will be without computer and internet at least till mid or end of next week.


                • Good luck getting it working again...

                  I wouldn't mind waiting for you to get back online again, but I don't know about the others...
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • if it is the MB most probably you'll need MB+CPU+RAM
                    This was my case last year if you remember


                    • Scratch it all. It was the power supply, I changed it. I used to sneak in a new graphics adapter too.

                      I'm back to business.


                      • Woohoo
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • Hopefully Ghengis will have his problem sorted soon so I have sent the 760AD turn.
                          Never give an AI an even break.


                          • Bad news.

                            My Conquests program is running fine and I can play PBEMs through it. My PTW program still has errors with the bic file.

                            I can continue to play the game but we would have to play it through Conquests and not PTW.


                            • Repeated from another thread (about GhengisFarb's need for replacements for his PTW PBEM games):

                              I would like to take the Naval PBEM game over for you, GhengisFarb.

                              Send the turn files to:


                              • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                                Bad news.

                                My Conquests program is running fine and I can play PBEMs through it. My PTW program still has errors with the bic file.

                                I can continue to play the game but we would have to play it through Conquests and not PTW.
                                Maybe you just need a new bic file. I have sent you one.

