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Naval PBEM - Turn Thread 2

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  • Originally posted by CerberusIV
    To Ghengis

    See if you can lose another galley this turn, I've just sent out my first.
    Is it the Galley to the North East of Trinidad (Dye Island to the south of your capital)? I already sent a few out from there and didn't see anything but Ocean. I need to send some more out from the Mongolian Reef............


    • you galleys do not sink? I'll have to try it


      • Originally posted by ormuzd
        you galleys do not sink? I'll have to try it
        Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Occasionally you get lucky and they survive for several turns before they realize they've been in Ocean for awhile and sink.


        • Usually they sink right when the opposite side is in sight, but not yet reached. You'll never get that far again in this game, until Navigation.


          • Originally posted by GhengisFarb

            Is it the Galley to the North East of Trinidad (Dye Island to the south of your capital)? I already sent a few out from there and didn't see anything but Ocean. I need to send some more out from the Mongolian Reef............
            Thanks for the tip, I won't bother sacrificing that one, the one I have sent out was from the Mongolian Reef. After that I will try further north.

            Incidentally, can anyone remember if the Forbidden Palace was edited to give a benefit other than reduced corruption? In other words is there any point in building it?
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
              Just a score update in the interim:
              Suicide Galleys : 0
              Ocean : 3
              Same here. Although one of those was an accident.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • Sent to Eli.


                • Sent.
                  "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                  • Phew! Finally found the thread. I had my doubts but I'm sure now that Apolyton hides some threads. Sorting the threads alphabetically by title, 25 entries by page ascending (only from the last 10 days) hides this one and one more. Is this only on my settings?

                    10 bc sent to sir ralph

                    Sorry for the delay. I have problems with the ISP which will be solved probably Monday.


                    • Phew! Finally found the thread. I had my doubts but I'm sure now that Apolyton hides some threads. Sorting the threads alphabetically by title, 25 entries by page ascending (only from the last 10 days) hides this one and one more. Is this only on my settings?

                      Yes, it happens. Just change the number of threads on a page to 50 or something.
                      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                      • I didn't send suicide galleys yet.

                        The turnthreads can always been found in the "my threads" feature on top of the page. The disappearance of threads between pages must have something to do with the number of topped threads.

                        10BC to ADG


                        • sent
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • The threads that fall around the break between pages tend to get hidden sometimes, ie those that fall in the 21-22 area, etc.


                            • Bump! Hello? Cerberus?


                              • The mighty German Armada, that almost made contact with Sir Ralph, that almost discovered new lands, that almost survived a second turn in the ocean, has smashed and annexed Cerberus. Cerberus is no more. His race has been purged from the entire game.

                                MuWhaHA HA HA HA...................

