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Naval PBEM - Turn Thread 2

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  • 170BC to Ghengis
    Never give an AI an even break.


    • Sent to Eli.

      Everthing's gotten quiet lately...........


      • Sent.
        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


        • 150 bc to sir ralph


          • 150BC to ADG


            • Turn played
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • 150BC to Ghengis.

                It has gone quiet because I am implementing my super secret, sure to succeed, sneaky strategy for eventual ultimate world domination (translation - I'm trying to decided what to do next?).
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • Sent to Eli.

                  I have decided to share my entire map of my empire since I am obviously losing this game miserably:
                  Attached Files


                  • You actually have a very good island.

                    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                    • 130 bc sent to sir ralph

                      don't listen to him. He has only low score. I don't think he is loosing anything.


                      • Re: 130 bc sent to sir ralph

                        130BC to ADG

                        Originally posted by ormuzd
                        don't listen to him. He has only low score. I don't think he is loosing anything.
                        I feel with you, Ghengis, your terrain is really horrible. Or is this another piece of art by "Dr Screenshot"? Yea, we all know Ghengis' Low Score Strategy (TM). He even made a thread in the strategy forum.

                        Btw, you wouldn't like to see my entire empire. I'm so poor, I had even to sell my Palace.
                        Attached Files


                        • Turn sent...
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • Re: Re: 130 bc sent to sir ralph

                            Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                            Btw, you wouldn't like to see my entire empire. I'm so poor, I had even to sell my Palace.
                            If that's your entire empire, where is this phantom city you built the Wonder in?

                            Fortunately, my Workers have made a big dent in the Forest that used to cover the north eastern nub of my Home Island.


                            • Oooooh, forest, poor old chap. Then why did you settle among the trees and not near the wheat or the collective "Moooo" that sounds off your screenshot? Distance doesn't matter with 0 corruption. This would of course boost your score and give you less reason to moan, so partially I understand why you didn't do it.


                              • Turn sent to the poor, impoverished Germans on their pitiful little homeland.

                                BTW Ghengis - when are you going to get around to researching Iron Working?
                                Never give an AI an even break.

