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Naval PBEM - Turn Thread 2

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  • maybe IW will be his next goal. When you have it, he has much cheaper price for it. And most important - you'll NOT get it for free (like you did with other techs already)


    • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
      Oooooh, forest, poor old chap. Then why did you settle among the trees and not near the wheat or the collective "Moooo" that sounds off your screenshot? Distance doesn't matter with 0 corruption. This would of course boost your score and give you less reason to moan, so partially I understand why you didn't do it.
      Are you kidding it would take me 14 turns to march to the other side of the island and that cow. And I didn't have any idea it was over there are I just might have done that.

      Originally posted by CerberusIV
      BTW Ghengis - when are you going to get around to researching Iron Working?
      Do you have any idea how many Warriors I've stockpiled to upgrade?

      Sent to Eli.


      • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
        Are you kidding it would take me 14 turns to march to the other side of the island and that cow. And I didn't have any idea it was over there are I just might have done that.
        I'm not kidding, why should I? 6 tiles west of your capital is a good site for your 2nd city. It has one cattle resource and can make 6 turn settlers under Despotism and 4 turn settlers under Republic. You're industrious, tile improvement is not an issue. If you hadn't discovered the site yet, no big deal, it's the 3rd city then. The 2 cows in the south can make 4 turn settlers under Despotism after the proper improvement and could be the next city. After this, your island fills up in no time. We are over turn 120 now and both sites are still unsettled.


        • I don't like cows. They scare me.


          • Moooo!

            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • Originally posted by ormuzd
              maybe IW will be his next goal. When you have it, he has much cheaper price for it. And most important - you'll NOT get it for free (like you did with other techs already)
              So far I have had Philosophy, Code of Laws and Republic from the Great Library. Nice but not exactly overwhelming. Because my lazy, ignorant neighbours (no offence meant - please don't invade!) aren't researching fast enough I am having to do it myself, as I already did with IW.

              Looks like suicide galley time.
              Never give an AI an even break.


              • I'm soooo far behind in tech that it's not even funny anymore.
                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                • 110 bc sent to sirr ralph.

                  Once you discover us (the rest of the civs), you'll have much cheaper techs and with the gold you'll upgrade the units. A good plan, but I'm aware with it and I'll stop reasearching too


                  • Am I the only one still doing research?

                    110BC (622 by Britannian time scale) to ADG.

                    I will be away from Monday afternoon (my time) till Wednesday afternoon, so unless the next turn reaches me till tomorrow noon, the game will be stalled 2 days. Sorry about that, but thank god it's not that long.


                    • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                      Am I the only one still doing research?

                      110BC (622 by Britannian time scale) to ADG.

                      I will be away from Monday afternoon (my time) till Wednesday afternoon, so unless the next turn reaches me till tomorrow noon, the game will be stalled 2 days. Sorry about that, but thank god it's not that long.
                      If you want to give me your password I can play your turn for you.


                      • No, not you, you would kill my cows, since you hate them.


                        • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                          No, not you, you would kill my cows, since you hate them.
                          I would respect your religious beliefs. I don't kill sacred cows, I just stay as far from them as possible.


                          • Turn played...
                            This space is empty... or is it?


                            • to Ghengis
                              Never give an AI an even break.


                              • Sent to Eli.

