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World War II reloaded

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  • Originally posted by adamsaka
    I thought he had a death in family, i hope I am wrong, but believe it was his grandmothers
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • ouch - my condolences.
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • 02-05-2006 06:34 #290

        I'm gunna be away from Saturday to Tuesday inclusive - Grandmother's funeral, a long, long way away.

        from ricketyclik on May 2 meaning he would have been away from Saturday May 6 through Tuesday May 9, perhaps he got held up longer.

        This was from the C3C Admin thread

        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • ohh, that's no good at all.

          Best wishes then ricketyclik.


          • Germany

            dest. bombed Athens - units inj'd
            bombed Zagreb - failed

            St Nazaire
            bombed cruiser x 7 - 2 units injured, 4 failed, 1 shot down
            Sub sank cruiser

            Army def Inf x 2, Cherbourg taken


            Bomb failed
            Artiller bomb destroyed walls
            Tank def inf
            Tank withdrew vs inf x 2
            Inf def by inf.

            Sorry for the delay
            February 1941 to PTS


            • to Modo
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • Hi, just checking in to say that I got back from a trip around Poland two hours ago. This game is pretty big (and takes time to play), so I hope you guys are ok with me slacking for just one more day. Just one day, I promise.
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • Slacker

                  sure we forgive ya
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • Yeah, you better forgive me.

                    Starting today, the USSR is at war with Germany (and, by extension, Italy).

                    Battle report (standard numpad directions, i.e. 8 is north, 4 is west, etc.; "tile busted" means there is nothing left there):
                    • Ploesti 3. 2 Bombing runs: tile busted.
                    • Ploesti 2. 3 Bombing runs: 1 run failed, tile busted.
                    • Constanta 7. 1 Bombing run: tile busted.
                    • Szeged 8. 1 Bombing run: 1 Russian Bomber shot down.
                    • Lasi. Light artillery barrage: units damaged. 2 Bombing runs: 1 German Fighter shot down, German units damaged. 6 Tank attacks: 1 retreated, 1 Infantry destroyed, 4 Panzers destroyed. 3 Cavalry attacks: 2 Cavalry lost, 1 Panzer destroyed.
                    • Lasi 11. 1 Bombing run: failed.
                    • Brest Litovsk 4. 1 Bombing run: 1 Light Bomber shot down.
                    • Konigsberg 2. 1 Bombing run: tile busted.
                    • Galati. Moderate artillery barrage: units damaged. 5 Tank attacks: 2 Tanks lost, 1 Panzer destroyed, 1 Infantry destroyed, 1 Flak. I Guards Tank Army (3 x Tank) attacks: 1 Infantry destroyed. 2 Cossack attacks: 1 Cossack lost, 1 Infantry destroyed, 2 Artillery captured, 1 Worker captured, Galati razed. (I might have lost count here, sorry.)
                    • Memel 9. Artillery barrage: tile busted.
                    • Memel 97. Artillery barrage: tile busted.
                    • Jyvaskyla 33. 1 Bombing run: failed.
                    • Helsinki 6. Artillery barrage: tile busted.
                    • Warshau 88. 1 Bombing run: tile busted.
                    • Konigsberg 9. 1 Bombing run: tile busted.

                    The cities of Hrodna and Brest Litovsk have been abandoned.

                    March 1941 to Adam.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • Welcome

                      England extends a warm welcome to the USSR in the war on facism. See you in Berlin!!
                      (I have the file, I will try to play tonight)


                      • London - March

                        England would like to report that all of the African continent has been liberated from Italian control. May the USSR smash down their doors at home.

                        Nav - Tripoli - Failed
                        Nav - Tripoli - Inj
                        Nav - Tripoli - Failed
                        Nav - Tripoli - Inj
                        Nav - Tripoli - Inj
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Lost
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Wins (Flak killed)
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Lost
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Wins (Rif killed)
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Lost
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Lost
                        Inf - attacks Tripoli - Wins (Rif killed)
                        TRIPOLI CAPTURED
                        ANTAKYA (Swedish) CAPTURED
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Failed
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Panzar Army Inj
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Panzar Army Inj
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Panzar Army Inj
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Panzar Army Inj
                        Atil - Cherbourg - Failed
                        Bomb - E Tours - Failed
                        Bomb - E Tours - Road Cut
                        Bomb - E Tours - Road Cut
                        Bomb - N Dijon - Road Cut
                        Bomb - N Bonn - Road Cut (Coal)
                        Nav - Panzar Army E Cherbourg - Inj
                        Nav - Panzar Army E Cherbourg - Inj
                        Nav - Panzar Army E Cherbourg - Failed
                        Nav - Panzar Army E Cherbourg - Inj
                        Nav - Panzar Army E Cherbourg - Failed
                        Bomb - S Paris - Road Cut (Spices)
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Inj
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Inj
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Failed
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Inj
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Inj
                        Nav - Stack E Brest - Inj
                        Nav - N Bordeaux - Failed
                        Nav - N Bordeaux - Failed
                        Nav - N Bordeaux - Road Cut (Wine)
                        Nav - St Nazire - Inj
                        Bomb - Italian Navel Fleet S Malta - Shot Down
                        Nav - Italian Navel Fleet S Malta - Failed
                        Bomb - S Copenhagen - Road Cut
                        Bomb - S Kiel - Road Cut

                        --Turn sent to grandpa--


                        • March 1941

                          French Forces, feeling the warmth of their own relief abandon Brest as they would have only lost the next turn

                          The mighty German Blitzkreig marches onward
                          Attached Files
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • GERMANY

                            Artillery bombarded enemy units injured x 2
                            Panzer def. tank
                            Panzer def. by tank

                            Artillery bomb. failed
                            Destroyer bomb. enemy units injured
                            Paratrooper defeated by flak

                            Panzer def. Inf, rifleman, tank

                            Air bomb. tank, inf near Warschau, eui x 2

                            Lvov taken by panzer (def. rifleman)

                            Art., air bomb. Zagreb, 2 x eui
                            Zagreb taken by tank.

                            March 1941 to Paddy


                            • to Modo
                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.


                              • Battles against Germany:
                                • Lasi. Artillery barrage: units damaged. 5 Bombing runs: citizens killed. 2 Tank attacks: 1 Tank retreated, 1 Tank lost.
                                • Lasi 2. Artillery barrage: tile busted.
                                • Sofia 336. Naval bombardment: Railroad destroyed.
                                • Konigsberg 1. 2 Bombing runs: tile busted.
                                • Konigsberg 3. 1 Bombing run: failed.
                                • Bucharest 2. 2 Bombing runs: tile busted.
                                • Bucharest 7. 1 Bombing run: failed.

                                April 1941 to Adam.
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

