3250bc to Modo
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Dawn of the Third Age
An emissary of King Menelaus of Greece met with a representative of Pharaoh Peppi (Paddy) of Egypt in the strangest of all places - the wilderness of Germannia. Not long ago the same emissary closed a deal with the old and wise leader of all Germanic tribes, simply called Granpa for his age and he was now ready to strike another one.
The Greek people in their infinite wisdom offered to teach the Egyptians the secret of alphabet thus replacing their somewhat quaint and inefficient system of hieroglyphs. Unfortunately the Egyptians reciprocated with worthless pottery that has no use in the Greek land.
Our King Menelaus who has defeated the legendary city of Troy and whose glory is world known has heard of a fashion in Egypt to build special mausolei in the shape of a stone pyramid. He would like to build one such monument for his final resting place. Alas, the technology to achieve such miracles is unknown to Greek people, so if the Egyptians would teach us how to do it, we would be very happy to teach them our system of letters based on sounds rather than syllables or words.
3150 BC to beta.