The game I'm proposing wouldn't be played exactly as such, but in that general way. A Diplogame is specifically expected to involve a large amount of diplomacy; an Arpeegame is looser - you can be a diplomat if you want, or a warmonger if you want, who eschews the fine art of diplomacy for the blunt art of the sword. (Yes, a diplogame involves war, but not usually *only* war.) In the sense that you wouldn't be playing to win, exactly, but more for the story, yes it's like a diplogame, and many of the parts of the diplogame faq would be accurate.
But like I said above, if Chrisius wants to take it over and direct it more towards that i'm fine with it either way.
But like I said above, if Chrisius wants to take it over and direct it more towards that i'm fine with it either way.
