This is the turn tracker thread for the Guiness 2-a-day game we started because it was a crying shame that Paddy wasn't playing a 6p2aday style game. Also was trying to think of a game that I could start that Beta wouldn't play, allowing me to nearly catch up to him in game totals (although it was a near miss, and is where we got the name for this game ...
The Madness
The turn order, thanks to Ljube for reminding me i'm stupid and can't calculate time zones right, my normal mathematical skill aside ...
I don't have everyone's email addy yet, but ..
The Madness
The turn order, thanks to Ljube for reminding me i'm stupid and can't calculate time zones right, my normal mathematical skill aside ...

A: EST 12-2 (GMT 5-7) Ljube ljcvetko at eunet dot yu B: EST 2-4 (GMT 7-9) Moonbars JamesTA mcquigganTODdemon tod co dot uk C: EST 4-6 (GMT 9-11) Paddy paddythescot ta vtown tod com dot au D: EST 6-8 (GMT 11-1) Snoopy369 snoopy369 ta yahoo dot com E: EST 8-10 (GMT 1-3) Theseus richard TA podos TOD net F: EST 10-12 (GMT 3-5) Punkbass punkbass_2000 TA yahoo TOD com