Hello to the French attackers. Nice shiny uniforms you got there.
All battles but one were against the French:
July 1804 to the Spanish.
All battles but one were against the French:
- Naval battle near Fort Wineyard. HMS Invincible (Man-O-War) sunk by Spanish Ship of the Line. HMS Princes Royal (Man-O-War) sinks Spanish Ship of the Line.
- Naval battle near Cardiff. 4 remaining French Troop Transports sunk, and one captured using: HMS Minotaur (Ship of the Line), HMS Bulwark (Ship of the Line), HMS Victory (Man-O-War), HMS Goliath (Ship of the Line), HMS Freedom (Man-O-War). The captured ship renamed HMS Cardiff in memory of the fallen sailors.
- Naval Battle near Vejle. HMS Repulse (Man-O-War) sinks French Ship of the Line.
- Land battle near Cardiff. 5 Household Cavalry attack: 4 withdraw, 1 lost, 6 HP total taken from the French.
- Land battle near Vejle. 5 Grand Batteries bombard: 6 HP total taken. 4 Lifeguards attack: 1 lost, 3 Voltigeurs killed. 10 Household Cavalry attack: 2 lost, 2 withdrawn, 6 Voltigeurs killed.
July 1804 to the Spanish.