New Game ... Players Wanted
Come, pay homage to your Pharoah!
Play order:
ric (Romans) 0900-1300 gmt
MFC (Carthaginians) 1130-1300 gmt
Beta (Eqyptians) 2200-0300 gmt
snoopy (Greeks) 2300-0400 gmt
con (Sumerians) 2400- 0500 gmt
Wittlich (Persians) 0100-0600 gmt
BigFree (Babylonians) 0100-0600 gmt
Whereas, I departed the PTW Classics game much earlier than anticipated,
, and;
Whereas, it is summer and a lot of pbem's have slowed,
,and ;
Whereas, the classic civs are still some of the most interesting,
, and;
Whereas, I finally got around to seeing Troy the other night,
, and;
Therefore be it determined that a new C3C Classics game is starting.
This will be a seven player game; myself and 6 others. (I am not a huge fan of the four player tourney style of games. My most interesting games have been the 6 and 7 player games. And 8 just seems to be too much, for some reason. Who was that 8th player anyway?
Your civ choices are:
The map will be pangea, 80% water (the stringy one). Standard map size.
Temperature and climate all moderate. Age 4 B.
Monarch. Raging barbarians. Normal victory conditions.
I have chosen the Egyptians.
Come, pay homage to your Pharoah!
Come, pay homage to your Pharoah!
Play order:
ric (Romans) 0900-1300 gmt
MFC (Carthaginians) 1130-1300 gmt
Beta (Eqyptians) 2200-0300 gmt
snoopy (Greeks) 2300-0400 gmt
con (Sumerians) 2400- 0500 gmt
Wittlich (Persians) 0100-0600 gmt
BigFree (Babylonians) 0100-0600 gmt
Whereas, I departed the PTW Classics game much earlier than anticipated,

Whereas, it is summer and a lot of pbem's have slowed,

Whereas, the classic civs are still some of the most interesting,

Whereas, I finally got around to seeing Troy the other night,

Therefore be it determined that a new C3C Classics game is starting.

This will be a seven player game; myself and 6 others. (I am not a huge fan of the four player tourney style of games. My most interesting games have been the 6 and 7 player games. And 8 just seems to be too much, for some reason. Who was that 8th player anyway?

Your civ choices are:
The map will be pangea, 80% water (the stringy one). Standard map size.
Temperature and climate all moderate. Age 4 B.
Monarch. Raging barbarians. Normal victory conditions.
I have chosen the Egyptians.
Come, pay homage to your Pharoah!