Korea has wondered about Sumeria's support of Rome as well. After proclaiming themselves "peaceful" they go and support the Romans in a war of sheer aggression whose only apparent purpose is the complete and total genocide of the Korean people. 
Neither the Sumerians or the Romans can be trusted any longer and I urge the Germans, Hittites, and Iroquois to remember this in any future dealings with these two rogue nations. Unity is strength and I urge all of you to band together to destroy these two menaces before they pick all of us off one by one.
Meanwhile, Korea is appreciative of the support of the German people in regards to tech embargoing the two rogue nations. Germany has proven itself a true friend of Korea, unlike the Romans under Beta-Janus III.

Neither the Sumerians or the Romans can be trusted any longer and I urge the Germans, Hittites, and Iroquois to remember this in any future dealings with these two rogue nations. Unity is strength and I urge all of you to band together to destroy these two menaces before they pick all of us off one by one.
Meanwhile, Korea is appreciative of the support of the German people in regards to tech embargoing the two rogue nations. Germany has proven itself a true friend of Korea, unlike the Romans under Beta-Janus III.