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New Noobs Tracking Thread 1

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  • #31
    3950BC to Gamecube64

    Since no one spoke up, I assume that everyone has an okay start. I did realize that accellerated production is not on. If anyone has a problem with that, I'll start over ASAP. I know Kermit wanted it. Let me know before the start of the third round if we need to start over with accellerated production on.
    "These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead


    • #32
      3950BC to 1889.
      I changed my signature


      • #33
        For Kermit
        Attached Files
        Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
        The continuing saga of The Five Nations
        A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


        • #34
          I really want to start over again i have to reasons for this:
          1) No acc prod.
          2) My starting location was in the middle of a dessert with a oasis enough to make a lvl 3 city... and not higher.
          Kermit the frog


          • #35
            That's fine with me.

            As an aside...

            why did u post it there, Dont you have my e-mail???

            Why is that so bad?
            XBox Live: VovanSim
   (login required)
            Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
            Spore page


            • #36
              No problem. I will restart the game again tonight when I get home from work. I think I'll start 3 games and we'll vote on starting positions.

              Why is that so bad?
              Some people have trouble getting into 'poly. For instance my access from work is PAINFULLY slow. It is easier for me to get at the saves through email. And Kermit is in Europe, so his access may be slower.
              "These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead


              • #37
                Originally posted by burly
                Some people have trouble getting into 'poly. For instance my access from work is PAINFULLY slow. It is easier for me to get at the saves through email. And Kermit is in Europe, so his access may be slower.
                Oh, so it's more of a convenience issue then. I'd thought it had something to do with security from cheating, maybe, or some such.
                XBox Live: VovanSim
       (login required)
                Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                Spore page


                • #38

                  4000BC to Gamecube64
                  4000BC to Gamecube64
                  4000BC to Gamecube64

                  I've sent 3 different games on to Gamecube64. Everyone play all three games through the first, lets say 3 rounds. That way you have the chance to explore your surroundings a bit and possibly start a second city. After 3 rounds (end of 3850BC) we'll vote our preferences (1-2-or-3) and pick the one with the best score.

                  so . . .
                  Let the games begin!

                  "These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead


                  • #39
                    I guess this one deserves a triple YAY then.
                    XBox Live: VovanSim
           (login required)
                    Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                    Spore page


                    • #40
                      I'll go to play these 3 bundles of joy soon...
                      I changed my signature


                      • #41
                        1889 asked me to post his since his E-mail isnt working.
                        Attached Files
                        I changed my signature


                        • #42
                          Attached Files
                          I changed my signature


                          • #43
                            game 1 and 2 look promising to me.
                            Attached Files
                            I changed my signature


                            • #44
                              Kermit, here is your mess.
                              Attached Files
                              Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                              The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                              A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


                              • #45
                                and this
                                Attached Files
                                Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                                The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                                A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King

