Hear ye, hear ye ... Here is announced the Start of a Game.
This is a Game, to be played on Sundays, the likes of which ye have never seen.
Turns will be fast-paced and breakneck speed. Players will finish games within weeks, not months. Many will lose, and only a few will survive ...
Those interested, send pm or email to Snoopy of the 369s, email to his name @yahoo address.
Or show up on IRC at apolyton.net #apolyton on Sunday, mid-morning to early afternoon, USA time (evening euro time)
We'll play fast-paced turns for a few hours every Sunday, and a few turns throughout the week, however they fall, but mostly on Sundays.
Please be willing to commit to playing at least 2-3 hours every sunday for the next few weeks, though absences are understood of course. We'll work out times on irc on Sunday. If you don't know how to do the irc thing, let me know, or read the link up at the top of this (and every) forum.
This is a Game, to be played on Sundays, the likes of which ye have never seen.
Turns will be fast-paced and breakneck speed. Players will finish games within weeks, not months. Many will lose, and only a few will survive ...
Those interested, send pm or email to Snoopy of the 369s, email to his name @yahoo address.
Or show up on IRC at apolyton.net #apolyton on Sunday, mid-morning to early afternoon, USA time (evening euro time)
We'll play fast-paced turns for a few hours every Sunday, and a few turns throughout the week, however they fall, but mostly on Sundays.
Please be willing to commit to playing at least 2-3 hours every sunday for the next few weeks, though absences are understood of course. We'll work out times on irc on Sunday. If you don't know how to do the irc thing, let me know, or read the link up at the top of this (and every) forum.
