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Iron Civer _Coliseum C_ Thread II

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  • Turn Away

    And I'd better get to work!


    • me too!

      turn away


      • work smerk, blerk.. Save to Andy
        The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


        • Andydog, you seem to be a bit behind the times.............bit like the wombles from wimbledon common......................


          • the wombles are wombling, wombling free

            --> wimble womble watcher


            • save to andy
              The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


              • 370 AD --> Mickeyj

                Still no joke moonbars?


                • Two mexicans are walking in the wilderness. Starving, dying of thirst, one of them thinks he see's salvation in the distance.. "Amigo, Look! our prayers are anwsered, it's a Bacon Tree!" Sure enough, the guys can see a tree with rasher after rasher of juicy bacon hanging from it. Suddenly, as they run towards it, masked men jump out at start firing at them.

                  "Oh no! It's not a Bacon Tree, it's a Ham-Buush!"
                  The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                  • OH no!!!

                    That joke was so bad the mighty English have decided to declare war on you!

                    turn -------->


                    • Really really bad!!!

                      The Portuguese also declare war on you!


                      • Perhaps my joke was.. appropriate then?

                        Am I to take it that you have both dispensed with issuing combat reports?
                        The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                        • No combat taken place as yet,

                          Maybe this will cheer you up.

                          A small boy was lost at a large shopping mall.
                          He approached a uniformed policeman and said, "I've lost my grandpa!"
                          The cop asked, "What's he like?"
                          The little boy replied, "Jack Daniels and women with big boobs".


                          • Andydog's troops have engaged in some action, but nothing I can't work out from looking.

                            Save to Andy.
                            The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                            • 350 AD --> Mickeyj

                              No combat yet from the Portuguese, just a bit of target practice for my trebs.

                              Are we going to bother about reporting pillaging?


                              • I would say yes, as I want to count your catapults :-)

                                I am happy with fairly simple reports - i.e.

                                Stack outside Lisbon attacks city,
                                4 trebs fired, inflict 1 HP damage to 3 pikemen (1 miss)
                                Cavalry attack, kill 4 pikemen, wound 3
                                3 cavalry die, 4 survive with 1, 2, 2 and 4 HP remaining.

                                Don't Need:

                                Treb Fires, misses
                                Treb Fires, 1 HP to a pike
                                Treb Fires, 1 HP to a pike
                                Treb Fires, 1 HP to a pike
                                Cav attacks Pike - survives 1 HP
                                Cav attacks Pike - Dies, Pike at 2 HP
                                Cav attacks etc etc etc

                                As long as everybody is aware of anything they would have been if watching a SP battle, I am happy.
                                The Best Multiplayer Game Ever

