On to Paddy.
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Chris,Vovan and paddy
You folks interested???
vovan - have not been in a game with you yet.
Would love to have all of you involved in the new game - a test of the scientific civs.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Originally posted by Beta
You folks interested???
Would love to have all of you involved in the new game - a test of the scientific civs.
Literature in 2...
Pictured below, in the center on the hill, is a victorious Javeline Thrower that has just taken the hill from an injured Viking Warrior. Just to the north, we can see civilians scrambling for safety, and to the West - additional Viking reinforcements, which will probably prove nothing more than a slight nuisance. To the south-east, you can see the path of destruction left by might Maian warriors on their way to global supremacy.(Along with our allies of course.
Save on to Paddy.
Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
yes my people call that blooded hill..
the loss of our mighty band of warriors has been dearly felt here in the homelands
Originally posted by vovan
Oh, so it was your warrior that injured the Viking there? The death of a band of brave Englishmen has been avenged.
all very kind of you and your people
Back to Paddy. We are also saddened to have found an Iroquese settlement just south of the Jungle. We had hoped their borders would be somewhat farther from ours. Maybe we should give them a beating as well.
As our Javelin Thrower enslaves a Viking spearman, without taking a loss, we send our save on to sir Paddy.